New ‘Doctor Who’ Trailer Reveals David Tennant’s Fantastical Adventures

The BBC has released a trailer for the 60th-anniversary episodes of Doctor Who, which will feature David Tennant in three massive adventures.

Along with the video, the network also said what each adventure would be called.

The 60th anniversary of the famous BBC science fiction show Doctor Who will be marked by the return of David Tennant as the 14th Doctor in three special episodes. Tennant played the 10th Doctor.

In the trailer for the special shows, Tennant and Catherine, who plays Donna Noble, can be seen together again.

In the trailer, rookie Yasmin Finney plays Rose, and Neil Patrick Harris faces Tennant as the villain Toymaker.

The short clip showed that The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder, and The Giggle are the names of the much-anticipated special shows.

When the first special title appears on the screen, exciting scenes from the episode show a metal monster with red eyes that looks like an insect.

As the second title, “Wild Blue Yonder,” comes up on the screen, we see Neil dancing in loops as the Toymaker. The Doctor then says, “He’s here, driving you mad, laughing at the human race.”

In the end, when the third title, “The Giggle,” appears on the screen, Donna is seen poking an animal-like toy in the eye. She yells, “What the hell?!” as the thing moves.

This year, the three exciting stories of the 14th Doctor will air in November.