New hydrogen fuel cell for passenger cars launched by Intelligent Energy

UK-based fuel cell developer and manufacturer Intelligent Energy (IE) has introduced a hydrogen fuel cell system tailored for passenger cars. Smaller and more powerful than other options, it has been designed to help the sector reach a zero-emission mobility solution.

Developed and patented by IE, the IE-Drive system can produce 157kW of gross electrical power. Its compact design, made possible by IE’s direct water injection technology, results in a heat exchanger that is up to 30% smaller than alternative solutions.

The development of the IE-Drive system is the result of the four-year Esther project, a £22m initiative supported by the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) and involving collaboration with industry partners such as the Changan R&D Centre, Lyra Electronics and Alexander Dennis.

Dr Ashley Kells, IE’s program director, said, “The support provided by the APC has been fundamental to the development of this passenger car fuel cell system, along with the valuable input of the other program partners. The IE-Drive product is a groundbreaking advancement in the automotive industry and the work we have undertaken clearly illustrates the UK’s ability to be a global leader in the hydrogen fuel cell arena.”

Changan provided support during the project, including the provision of three SUVs to enable fuel cell testing.

Changan SUV for fuel cell testing

The resulting system comprises the fuel cell stack, electronic control unit, heat exchanger and balance of plant (BOP).

“Esther has been a very valuable project for Changan UK in helping the company transition from an ‘engine and gearbox’ company into one that now regards working on high-voltage and hydrogen vehicles as normal business,” added​ Martin Joyce, ​ principal powertrain technical specialist at Changan UK.

IE anticipates that the cost of the Drive fuel cell system will decrease to around £100 per kW by the end of the decade, making it a cost-effective alternative to battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) and internal combustion engines (ICEs).

David Woolhouse, IE’s CEO, said, “With 25% of all passenger cars expected to have hydrogen fuel cell powertrains, this clean technology represents the future.

“Our Drive product has the potential to shake up the hydrogen fuel cell market and accelerate the transition toward zero-emission mobility.”

Joyce concluded, “This, combined with the hydrogen fuel system we have installed during Esther, means we are fully prepared for the transition to zero-emission vehicles, regardless of what energy source will ultimately ​ be chosen in the markets around the world.” ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

IE-Drive is now ready for deployment and IE intends to collaborate with car manufacturers to bring hydrogen fuel cell powertrains to the forefront of the passenger car market.

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