New Nutritional Campaign Launches on Wheat – AG INFORMATION NETWORK OF

New Nutritional Campaign Launches on Wheat

Russell Nemetz

Russell Nemetz

Consumers want nutrition information, so the Wheat Foods Council launched a social media campaign that educates fitness professionals and trainers about the benefits of wheat foods in healthy diets.

U.S. Wheat Associates and the WFC are both farmer-led organizations that promote the value and benefits of U.S. wheat. The new WFC campaign on Facebook and Instagram launched on November 20. It provides evidence-based information on the nutritional and performance advantages of wheat foods.

Among those advantages is how wheat foods serve as a reliable and efficient source of energy. The campaign also helps dispel myths about wheat foods and fosters a deeper understanding of the positive impact they have on performance and well-being.

“By harnessing the power of social media, the campaign creates a dialogue, encourages knowledge sharing, and inspires a shift in how the fitness industry views wheat foods in a healthy lifestyle,” says WFC President Tim O’Connor.

Source: WFC & USW

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