New P.A.W.S program at Harris Center helping people with mental illnesses, disabilities

HOUSTON – The Harris Center for Mental Health and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities visited KPRC 2 on Sunday to tell us more about their new Pet Assisted Wellness Program that uses pets to help people battle mental illnesses.

The center said it is always trying to use new methods to help people, so they created the P.A.W.S program.

Experts said that even simply petting a dog can help patients release hormones that make them happy.

The program has also partnered with Healing Species, an organization that uses rescue dogs to help children who have suffered abuse or grief learn skills about self-esteem and conflict resolution.

Healing Species brought one its senior dogs.

“He does a really great job at helping the kids calm down because sometimes they get a little rowdy, and it just helps them relax,” Healing Species Instructor Will Arias said.

To receive help or resources from the Harris Center, go here.

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