New York Police Detained Susan Sarandon During a Protest

After getting arrested, Susan Sarandon was praised for helping the One Fair Wage movement in New York City.

The Oscar-winning actor was one of eight protesters who were taken into custody by the NYC Police and held because they were suspected of being disorderly. The protesters were arrested after, according to the police, they “stopped people from walking.” All eight campaigners were let go on the same day, but they will have to go to court.

The following is what the NY State Police said:

“They were instructed multiple times to move to a safer location, but eight of the group’s members refused and requested to be arrested. Those eight individuals were arrested for one count of Disorderly Conduct, a violation-level offense. All have been processed and released with appearance tickets returnable to the Albany City Court on a later date. The names will not be released due to the level of offence.”

Sarandon is the head of One Fair Wage, an organization that says the minimum wage should go up for tipped service workers and that it hurts women, mothers, and people of color the most.

The website for the group says that the union is made up of “all workers for whom tips are considered wage replacement.”

Before she was jailed, Sarandon spoke at the protest to show her support for the service workers.

“They are very, very important and need to be treated with dignity, not only for the back-breaking labor that they do, but what they have to do to communicate and understand and be patient and all the things that are linked to a successful business.”

Sarandon was also seen last week at New York’s Writers Guild of America strike picket lines.
