Newly opened Turkish restaurant could be subject to licence review

Nala Lounge in West Hill Road is not complying with certain licensing objectives, according to the licensing authority.

These are said to relate to public safety and preventing public nuisance.

The authority has submitted an application to review the existing licence at the lounge, which only opened this summer.

A spokesperson for BCP Council said: “The review application is sought by the licensing authority, as a responsible authority under the Licensing Act 2003, as they believe the premises is not upholding the public safety and prevention of public nuisance licensing objectives.

“The Licensing Authority no longer have confidence in the licence holder/DPS to ensure that conditions are complied with to prevent public nuisance, licensable activities are correctly authorised and smoking legislation complied with to ensure public safety.”

The review request was submitted under Section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003 on the specific grounds that the Licensing Authority “do not consider the premises to be promoting the Licensing Objective of Public Safety and the Prevention of Public Nuisance”.

The application remains open for public consultation, and representations must be received before Monday, December 11.

Nala Lounge opened its doors in Bournemouth on Thursday, July 13, with an official launch event.

The idea behind the lounge was to bring authentic and cultural Turkish food to the town, whilst providing more jobs in the area.

At present, it is open between 12pm and 11.30pm on Friday and Saturday, and 12pm to 11pm every other day.

As well as a Turkish restaurant, it operates as a cocktail bar and has an on-site mixologist.

The restaurant also offers a choice of breakfasts, gourmet Turkish kebabs and desserts.

The Daily Echo has approached Nala Lounge for a comment.

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