The two giant planets of the solar system, Jupiter and Saturn, continue to reign in the evening sky. At sunset, Saturn is already at its highest point in the south as it travels across the sky among the dim stars of Aquarius. The moon is at first quarter tonight, about a fist width to the lower right of Saturn. The following night, the moon will be slightly over half a fist width to the lower left of Saturn.
Super-bright Jupiter is already above the eastern horizon at sunset, so it will be the first starlike object you’ll see after sunset. Jupiter is in the constellation of Aries but it’s closer to the head of Cetus. A bright waxing gibbous moon will be slightly less than half a fist width to the right of Jupiter the night of Nov. 24. Two days later, on Nov. 26, the full moon will skirt just below the Pleiades star cluster at the shoulder of Taurus, the bull.