No Degree Required: Why I went from NTU to ITE to fulfil my dream of working in my family’s car workshop

Being an engineer can be quite taxing physically. 

During my training at Komoco, I was required to help take down and do a solo repair on a double clutch gearbox. At about 90kg, it was probably the heaviest load that I have ever carried. 

However, an experienced mechanic told me how and where to use my body strength to do the repair without hurting myself. That came in handy in learning how to handle heavy loads. 

I did a short stint with a Chinese battery company, before joining my family’s business in 2022. 

Over time, my father accepted that my knowledge can improve customer experience, reduce costs to customers and improve our technology use. 

For example, I helped to digitise all our invoices and expenses. This allowed us to quickly find our customers’ records. 

We now know what was last done to their car, how much was charged, and how frequently a customer visits us. In turn, that gives us the freedom to offer appropriate discounts. 

My family agrees too that it is time that I take on the responsibility to keep the business going.

Fortunately, I find this trade very interesting.

My job involves helping out with repairs while managing diagnostics and marketing.

A typical day starts when a vehicle comes in with an issue. I will diagnose the issue to determine the type of repairs required and get the required parts. 

A common challenge I face is deciding on the right repairs for a vehicle while ensuring the customer’s budget is met. Sometimes, work and parts that look easy may be deceptively difficult.

However, I get satisfaction from learning the quirks of different vehicles and helping someone’s day turn from bad to good. 

I also take pride in helping workers upskill. One of my proudest moments was when I successfully guided a worker through a complicated gearbox repair which he had never done before. 

I feel my own unique background and experience will help the family business smoothly pivot to electric vehicles. Hopefully, with external investment, we can eventually be a dealer for green vehicles. 

If I ever have kids who want to follow in my footsteps, my advice to them would be to get industry experience to build up their reputation and credibility, embrace new technologies and always do the right thing for the customers that put their faith in you. 



Mr Charles Lee, 34, is an automotive engineer at Autofriend. He is currently working to improve his skills to grow his family’s business.


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