Non-profits approach Melfort Council with plan for Historic Post Office

She said the hub would contribute meaningfully to the overall vibrancy and attractiveness of the city, as well as stimulating economic development through fostering tourism.

The group told council that they aim to accomplish their goal with little to no upfront cost to the city. Eckert said the building has been largely empty for years, and they want to change that by making the main floor an arts and culture hub, through creative programming for all ages.

Workshops, music, art shows, artist development events, and writers in residence were some of the examples outlined in the presentation to council.

Eckert outlined efforts in other communities that turned historic buildings into community spaces. The Merchant Bank of Humboldt is a gallery, while their Historic Post Office is a museum. The Kerrobert Cultural Centre is housed inside the provincial courthouse, and is now a gallery and special event space. The Station Arts Centre in Rosthern was once the CN Train Station.

Eckert told council the group wants to re-envision the Historic Post Office.

“It can be an arts and cultural hub for all of the residents of Melfort and area. We want to see happy, satisfied people doing creative projects in the building,” Eckert explained.

The Melfort Arts Council is doing ongoing surveying of the community about what they want for arts and culture in the city, and they offered to share that information with council when it’s available.

“Our vision for the Historic Post Office makes that building a part of the city’s present and its future – not just its past,” Eckert told council.

The group requested a Memorandum of Understanding or a contract with the city to provide the Arts and Culture Hub. Eckert said the group would assist the city in finding grant funding and developing a fundraising plan, promising to work with administration as they plan and execute. She noted the group has access to grants the city may not.

Eckert told council they’re committed to using that space and look forward to bringing other community partners on board, which would increase the programming available.

Laura Lawrence of Youth Matter Canada said they haven’t had a place to meet for a year, and a home would give their families a chance to engage in more programming they offer for free.

All three non-profits praised the Kerry Vickar Centre (KVC) and staff members, but explained many of the various rooms at the KVC are heavily booked.

Council seemed receptive to exploring the idea of an arts and culture hub being located in the Historic Post Office.

Councillor Trent Mitchell responded after the presentation, pointing out the city has a lot of people requesting money or funding, and they only have one source of revenue via taxation. He noted user fees in other city facilities don’t cover the cost of running them.

Councillor Doug Terry recommended setting up an exploratory committee made up of group members and city administration representatives to see if the project is possible moving forward. Eckert was supportive of the idea.

“We’re very excited to have those discussions and figure out how we get to ‘yes,’” Eckert said.

Coun. Brian Enge said if the city and the group work together it could be an amazing fit for the facility.

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