Notice Board: November 24, 2023

Remove boats from town racks

The due date for removal of boats from the town racks and cement pad has been extended through the weekend. The racks will be cleared starting Nov. 27. Payment of a fee will be required to release any impounded boats.

Fill the Cruiser

The Harvard Police Association’s Fill the Cruiser event will be held Saturday, Dec. 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event benefits Clear Path for Veterans’ efforts to make sure every child’s wish list gets filled; bring new and unwrapped toys for children between the ages of 1 month to 17 years.There will also be donation boxes in the lobby at 40 Ayer Road until Dec. 9. Call Trish or Pat at 978-456-8276 with questions.

Free COVID-19 test kits available

Every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four free COVID-19 rapid test kits delivered to their home. To order, visit

Before throwing out older test kits, visit to see if their expiration dates have been extended.

For more information on COVID-19, visit

Grants for artists

The Massachusetts Cultural Council is offering $5,000 grants to artists in the fields of community-based arts, crafts, dance, design, digital, film and video, folk, world, and traditional arts, native and Indigenous arts, literature, music, performance, photography, theater, and visual arts. Learn more at

Toys for Tots

Donations of new unwrapped toys are now being accepted through Dec. 7 at the following locations in Devens:

  • Devens DPW, 99 Buena Vista Street
  • Devens Fire Department, 182 Jackson Road
  • MassDevelopment, 33 Andrews Parkway
  • Tree lighting and residents dinner, Dec. 7, 100 Sherman Avenue

Email [email protected] for more information or if your business would like to participate with a drop box at your location.

Lions’ fruit sale ongoing

The Harvard Lions Club fruit sale is ongoing, with cash-and-carry sales at the Transfer Station (Saturdays) and in town center (Saturdays and Sundays). Order gift boxes shipped anywhere in the continental U.S. by Dec. 10 for Christmas delivery; learn more and place an order at

Mental and behavioral health support

The Harvard Board of Health has posted a webpage highlighting recently developed mental and behavioral health resources available to residents at no cost. These include grief and healing support groups with the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health, the Mass. Behavioral Health Hotline, and the 25 community behavioral health centers newly established throughout Massachusetts. Visit; contact the Board of Health at 978-456-4100 ext. 328 with questions.

Ski and Snowboard Club 

Registration is now open for the Ski and Snowboard Club for Hildreth Elementary and Bromfield School students. Open to students in grades 3 to 12, this program takes place on six Wednesdays after school, starting Jan. 3, 2024. Participants will be taken to and from Wachusett Mountain via coach bus from the schools. For more info and to register, go to the Parks and Rec website at

Dec. 15 elections in Devens

Elections to fill two positions each on the Devens Committee and the Devens Educational Advisory Committee (DEAC) will take place next month.

The Devens Committee is a volunteer group that represents the Devens community and makes recommendations to MassDevelopment and other stakeholders. DEAC advises MassDevelopment on educational matters, including the review of all contracts for educational services. It is composed of four elected Devens residents (two of whom must have school-aged children) and one member from each of the school committees of Ayer Shirley Regional School District and Harvard. For more information, contact Karen Davis at 978-784-2933.

  • Monday, Nov. 27: Voter registration and nomination forms due no later than 5 p.m.
  • Friday, Dec. 1: Ballots distributed to registered voters in Devens.
  • Friday, Dec. 15: The election will be by mail-in ballot only. Ballots are due by 4 p.m.
  • Friday, Dec. 22: Election results emailed to Devens residents.

Completed forms can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to Karen Davis, MassDevelopment, 33 Andrews Parkway, Devens, MA 01434.

HPD patch for veterans

During November, police officers are wearing patches to honor those who have served in the military. The patches are available for $10; all proceeds will be donated to the community center at Clear Path for Veterans New England. To purchase a patch, see Officer Cavanaugh or Trish at the police station, 40 Ayer Road, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Loaves & Fishes food pantry

This food pantry, located at 234 Barnum Road, Devens, offers drive-thru access for those needing help with groceries. Hours are first Tuesday of the month, 5 to 7 p.m., and Wednesdays, Fridays, and third Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon. Upcoming dates are Nov. 29 and Dec. 1, 5, 6, and 8. The pantry will be closed Friday, Nov. 24. For more information, visit loavesfishes or


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