NYU Tandon names expert in online payments and automotive tech as co-director of Cybersecurity Center

Professor Damon McCoy. Photo courtesy of NYU Tandon School of Engineering

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DOWNTOWN BROOKLYN — An expert in the security of online payment systems, cybercrime and modern automotive systems has been named the new co-director of the NYU Center for Cybersecurity (CCS), an interdisciplinary research institute that works across this university system. Damon McCoy focuses his research on empirically measuring the security and privacy of technology systems and their intersections with society. His primary focus currently is on the economics of cybercrime, on automotive systems, privacy-enhancing technologies and censorship resistance. He is also a member of the Center for Automotive Embedded Systems Security that conducted one of the first security analysis of a modern automobile. McCoy succeeds Professor Ramesh Karri, widely considered a founding figure in hardware security, who recently stepped down from CCS leadership after serving in that capacity since co-founding the center in 2009.

Randal Milch of NYU Law School continues the Center for Cybersecurity’s other co-director.


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