Oakville alum, local magician to appear on national television

Local magician and Oakville High School alum Amanda Lindsey is set to appear in season 11, episode 7 of “Penn & Teller: Fool Us!” The episode will air on March 7.

“The show highlights magicians from all over the world. ‘Penn & Teller: Fool Us’ is a magic competition where magicians perform tricks to try to fool Penn and Teller. If Penn and Teller cannot figure out how the trick is done, the magician wins a trophy and performs in their Las Vegas show. The show celebrates creativity and the art of magic without exposing secrets,” Lindsey said. 

This all came to be as Brent Braun, magic consultant for “Fool Us” and “America’s Got Talent,” encouraged Lindsey to audition for the show as the pair had previously worked together. Lindsey originally auditioned for season 10, though never heard back from “Fool Us.”

Lindsey’s celebrity interactions did not stop there, however. Following her first audition, Lindsey went to New York and happened to meet Mel B. – the English celebrity who rose to fame in the 1990s as a member of the Spice Girls. The British star complimented Lindsey’s accent, “empowering” her to audition again. 

“When I returned to St. Louis, I noticed the deadline for season 11 was that night. I quickly submitted two clips from my show along with the original trick I had submitted for season 10. This time … I heard back from them immediately,” Lindsey said.

After acing the next portions of the interview process and working hard to refine her trick, Lindsey flew to Las Vegas for filming.

“I’m incredibly lucky to be where I am today and grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way. My appearance on ‘Penn & Teller: Fool Us’ was an unforgettable experience that helped propel my magic career forward and inspired me to continue honing my craft,” Lindsey said. “I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the ‘Fool Us’ team for this incredible opportunity — being a part of the show has been such a validating experience, reinforcing my confidence and passion as a performer.”

Though Lindsey is now being recognized on a national level, her passion for magic began when she was a student in the Mehlville School District.

“Amanda’s love for magic began in third grade after receiving a Marshall Brodien magic kit and watching televised specials featuring David Copperfield, Lance Burton and others. (She was) fascinated by the storytelling, psychology and problem-solving behind illusions,” Amanda’s sister, Elisa Lindsey, said. “Seeing Amanda on TV means everything to us. I’ve always believed in her — not just for her magic, but for how she makes people feel. Watching her finally get the recognition fills me with joy. She’s showing the world what I’ve known all along — she’s truly special.” 

“My first public magic show was in Mr. Price’s fifth grade classroom,” Lindsey added. “Mr. Price — if you are reading this, thanks.” 

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