Oil and Gas

Protecting the Environment

DEC’s Division of Mineral Resources mission is to ensure the environmentally sound, economic development of New York’s non-renewable energy and mineral resources for the benefit of current and future generations. Responsible development of non-renewable energy sources includes a primary focus on protecting land, air, and water supplies.

To carry out this mission, the Division of Mineral Resources regulates drilling and operation of all oil, natural gas, underground gas storage, and solution mining wells regardless of depth, as well as brine disposal, geothermal, and stratigraphic wells deeper than 500 feet. Further, the Division requires the plugging and abandonment of these wells after they have fulfilled their intended use and ensures that all sites are properly reclaimed (land is revegetated and restored).

The Division ensures that activities related to these regulated wells are conducted in an environmentally sound manner consistent with Article 23 of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) and its implementing regulations 6 NYCRR Parts 550 through 559.

To further protect the environment, DEC and NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research and Development Authority) announced a new drone-based initiative in late 2020 to address climate change by locating abandoned oil and gas wells. The drone technology and precision equipment will help locate abandoned wells that may be emitting methane into the atmosphere and can be prioritized for well plugging. This will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and aid in achieving New York’s Climate Act goals. Read more about finding and identifying oil and gas wells. 

The following image is an oil well in production.

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