This week, Eugene city councilors will hear annual reports on sustainability and human rights in Eugene, vote on a proposal to remove the requirement that Eugene developers provide parking, in accordance with new state rules, and discuss a proposed “sports bond” to pay for an Emeralds stadium at the Lane County fairgrounds, pickleball facility at Lane Community College and multi-sport complex at Golden Gardens Park.
Springfield city councilors will hear applications from residents applying for advisory committees and a presentation from Obie Companies on the developer’s plans for downtown Springfield.
The Department of Environmental Quality and Environmental Protection Agency will present an update on J.H. Baxter cleanup and on steps for the former wood processing plant to possibly become an EPA Superfund site.
Eugene City Council
To watch: Meetings stream online at bit.ly/Eugene-meetings and are broadcast on Comcast channel 21.
To listen: Dial any of the following numbers and use the meeting ID and passcode.
- 1-253-215-8782
- 1-346-248-7799
- 1-669-900-6833
- 1-301-715-8592
- 1-312-626-6799
- 1-929-205-6099
- 833-548-0282 (toll free)
When: 5:30 p.m., Monday Nov. 13
What: Eugene city councilors will hear annual reports and work plans from their Sustainability and Human Rights advisory commissions.
Link: https://eugene-or-gov.zoom.us/j/88098856988
Meeting ID; Passcode: 880 9885 6955; council9
When: 7:30 p.m., Monday Nov. 13
What: Eugene city councilors will vote on a proposal to rezone two lots in West Eugene from campus employment to light-medium industrial so that Cintas, a national workwear producer, can open a cleaning and dying plant. Next they will vote on a proposal to remove parking minimums in Eugene in accordance with new state rules. Then they will hear public comment.
Meeting ID; Passcode: 832 3863 1184; council 9
When: noon, Wednesday, Nov. 15
What: Eugene city councilors will decide whether to maintain the urban renewal district that is paying for the city to build its new riverfront neighborhood, and if so, how much to raise its debt limit by. Next they will discuss a proposed combined “sports bond” to pay for a baseball stadium and multi-use facility for the Eugene Emeralds at the Lane County fairgrounds, pickleball facility at Lane Community College and multi-sport complex at Golden Gardens Park.
Link: https://eugene-or-gov.zoom.us/j/81817289383
Meeting ID; Passcode: 847 8761 5812; council9
Springfield City Council
To watch: Springfield requires registration to watch and participate in meetings. Use the links for meetings to register and get information to attend.
To listen: Dial 1-971-247-1195 or 1-877-853-5247 and use the meeting ID.
To attend: The meetings will be held in the Jesse Maine room of Springfield City Hall, 225 Fifth St., Springfield.
When: 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 13
What: Springfield city councilors will interview residents applying to serve on the Springfield Public Library and the Bicycle and Pedestrian advisory boards.
Meeting ID: 868 0472 5567
When: 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 13
What: The SEDA board will hear a presentation from Eugene Fifth Street developer Obie Companies, on the firm’s vision for downtown Springfield. Then board members will discuss whether SEDA should cover system development charges for firms developing in downtown Springfield and Glenwood.
Register: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_20iEziT1SPe3OGe4Mex9pA
Meeting ID: 841 2636 2704
Department of Environmental Quality & Environmental Protection Agency
When: 6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 13
What: For the first hour of the virtual town hall, representatives from the state DEQ and federal EPA, officials will present a recap of the previous town hall on J.H. Baxter cleanup, updates on soil sampling from the homes and facilities near the plant, a preview on next steps for cleanup and an overview of the path for the J.H. Baxter site to possibly be listed as an EPA superfund site. For the next half hour, the officials will answer questions from residents.
Link: https://ordeq.org/JHBaxterZoom
Alan Torres covers local government for the Register-Guard. He can be reached over email at [email protected] or on twitter @alanfryetorres.