Vegetarian restaurants have sprung up across Taipei in recent years. As part of this trend toward healthy, sustainable eating practices, Optimum Nutrition – the world’s most recognized and trusted sports nutrition brand – is cooperating with Little Tree Food restaurant to offer gourmet dining at unbeatable prices. In addition to winning a Michelin Bib award for its value-for-money cuisine, Little Tree Food has earned a Michelin Green Star for sustainable gastronomy by cooperating with small-scale organic farmers; participating in seminars that promote healthy ingredients; and encouraging customers to bring their own containers.
To usher in the winter dining season, Optimum Nutrition – the trusted brand of professional athletes and gym enthusiasts for over 35 years – has launched a series of delicious recipes with Little Tree Food that are packed full of the macros your body needs. Featuring Optimum Nutrition’s new product, Gold Standard 100% Plant protein, these additions to the restaurant’s menu redefine healthy eating – supporting the most active lifestyles by replenishing vital nutrients. The inclusion of Optimum
Nutrition’s plant-based protein as a key ingredient in Little Tree Food’s new dishes provides a great alternative to the usual liquid means of intake for powder supplements. Now, you can get your daily protein requirements in a range of wholesome, filling meals.
To create these protein-rich, meat-free alternatives, delicious vegetarian ingredients such as chickpeas, broccoli, and tofu are combined with Optimum Nutrition’s vanilla-flavored Gold Standard 100% Plant protein. The result is a texture that is superior to meat in its succulence! Standout dishes include the (gluten free) Burger On The Tree: Topped with tomatoes, purple onions, pickles, avocado, fresh butter lettuce, and the Little Tree Food chef’s special sweet and sour pineapple sauce, this plant-based protein burger provides a sensory overload for your taste buds.
For dessert lovers, the (dairy-free) Buttery Almond Apple Tart combines roselle, apple, black tea, almond, and berry jam with Optimum Nutrition’s vanilla-flavored Gold Standard 100% Plant protein. The tart’s crispy shell, the delicate flavor of the tea and almond cream filling, the juicy home-made berry jam, and the fresh apple stewed with hibiscus flowers, make for an exquisitely tasty treat. It’s all the more satisfying for diners to know that each serving of Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard 100% Plant protein contains 24g of plant-based protein and nine essential amino acids.
For a different option, why not try the Blueberry Chocolate ON Cookies? Packed with antioxidant-rich fresh blueberries, oat milk, cold-pressed ginger and pineapple juice, and crunchy cookie pieces, this delectable beverage packs a powerful macros punch by including Optimum Nutrition’s chocolate-flavored Gold Standard 100% Plant protein.
With the winter season upon us, it’s important to ensure you stay well nourished. Thanks to Optimum Nutrition’s cooperation with Little Tree Food on this fantastic new selection of plant-based products, diners can excite their palates while fulfilling their daily protein requirements. What better way to maintain your nutritional needs than to chow down on some top-notch vegetarian cuisine powered by Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard 100% Plant protein?
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