Our Top 7 Arts and Culture Stories of ’23: #2 Canadian literary giant Margaret Atwood at Meighen Forum

In a panel on the Gothic with authors Mona Awad and Naomi Alderman, Margaret Atwood began the conversation with the important question: 

“So let us go into your deep dark childhoods,” Atwood began. “Were each of you mutilators of Barbie dolls?”

Canadian literary-giant Atwood joined Awad and Alderman, authors of Bunny and The Power, respectively, at the Tom Patterson Theatre. 

The conversation steered from Barbie Dolls to across the Gothic genre, from Dracula to the ghost stories of M.R. James, to Awad and Alderman’s past and upcoming novels. 

It also steered into whether or not the panel is superstitious and believes in ghosts themselves. In true Gothic fashion, at that moment Atwood’s fully charged microphone stopped working. 


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