OUR VIEW: Tribes, state car tag compacts important to all Oklahomans

Oklahoma-tribal nations car tag compacts are beneficial to both tribes and Oklahoma.

Leadership must find a way to negotiate compacts for the safety of all Oklahomans and law enforcement officials.

The major sticking point to successful negotiations appears to be Gov. Kevin Stitt.

Stitt has challenged the validity of tribal car tag compacts as he has with all tribal compacts.

He seems to believe he is the only person who knows what’s fair to both sides of any negotiation — especially with tribal nations.

Stitt’s insistence of being the only person in the room of any negotiation threatens tribal sovereignty, and it certainly threatens the successful completion of compacts.

Tribal nations and law enforcement throughout the state are not sharing car registration information. There is some exchange of information, but it is not universal.

Law enforcement officers need to be able to access tribal tag information to know who they are approaching on any car stop. This is for the safety of the officers and citizens.

That can’t happen with Stitt proclaiming tribes aren’t paying enough to Oklahoma. His “my way or the highway” approach to all things tribal hurts.

There is money to be had for both tribal and state government. There is a way for tribes and state law enforcement to share vital information.

It’s up to all lawmakers — but especially Stitt — to come to the table in fair negotiations for the best outcome for all.

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