Outdoors with Jeremy Hurst and Angelena Ross 11/28/23

Jeremy Hurst

Jeremy Hutst

We welcome back Jeremy Hurst, Game Management Section Head for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Also joining us is Angelena Ross, a wildlife biologist with New York DEC’s Game Management section. 800-348-2551 is the number to call at show time. Ray Graf hosts.

Angie Ross holds a bird and smiles

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

Angelena Ross

Jeremy Hurst’s responsibilities involve facilitating the research, outreach, and management planning for NY’s big game, small game, and furbearing wildlife. Previously, Jeremy coordinated NY’s management programs for white-tailed deer, black bear, and moose management programs.

Before joining DEC in 2005, Jeremy researched wintering deer in northern New York, worked on projects with Dall sheep, grizzly bears, and small mammals, and taught high school science in the Dominican Republic. Jeremy received a B.S. degree from Houghton College and an M.S. degree in Wildlife Management from the State University of New York ‐ College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

Angelena Ross is currently the Avian and Mammal Diversity Unit Leader in Albany, focused mainly on endangered and threatened species conservation. For the last 20 years, one of her focuses has been conservation of NY’s spruce grouse population, where she has worked extensively with private landowners in the Adirondacks to manage habitat to promote the species’ persistence.

For the last three years, Angelena has been spearheading efforts to relocate spruce grouse individuals from Maine and Canada into NY to enhance the species’ genetic diversity. She has also worked on public lands to manage nesting habitat for Blanding’s turtles and has partnered with several northeast states to develop habitat management plans for private landowners.

Angelena completed her M.S. degree in Conservation Biology at SUNY ESF and her Ph.D. at Clarkson University.

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