Paradise Center for the Arts offers Paint a Portrait of Your Pet and other art classes

Painting layers

A young painter follows along with Julie Fakler as they apply the layers of paint. (Chloe Kucera —

The Paradise is truly the center for the arts — viewing and making.

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Under painting

Julie Fakler begins the pet portrait with the color blue in a method called underpainting. Underpainting is a base layer applied before adding more layers. (Chloe Kucera —

Painting supplies

For the all the art classes at the paradise, supplies are provided. (Chloe Kucera —

Background painting

Julie Fakler adds the background to the portrait of her pet, Charlie. (Chloe Kucera —

Little white dog

One of the attendees stands back and admires her finished art piece. (Chloe Kucera —

Dog painting

One attendee painted her dog Sasha. (Chloe Kucera —

Cat painting

One attendee painted her cat Witchy who has passed away. (Chloe Kucera —

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