FCC Environment, one of the UK’s leading waste and resource management companies, show what is happening at Pennyhill to restore the use of the landfill.
FCC Environment are committed to caring for the environment.
Penny Hill landfill is restored to a mix of woodland and grassland and provides a rich area of biodiversity and provides a habitat for a significant number of insect species.
Hundreds of butterfly and moth species including the Green Hairstreak and the Rosy-striped Knot Horn are found at Penny Hill. This is due to high-quality grassland and regular maintenance.
Penny Hill closed in late 1990’s and became recognised a significant habitat for butterflies and moths.
Supporting West Midlands Butterfly Conservation efforts through providing a mobile chipper every year to manage the land.
400+ butterfly and moth species.
Home to the largest population of Dingy Skipper in Worcestershire