Pentagon Forbids Biden Administration from Sharing Russian War Crimes Evidence

The Military has barred the Biden Administration from sharing evidence of suspected Russian war crimes with the International Criminal Court, according to people with knowledge of the subject.

According to the intelligence, Russia intends to strike civilian infrastructure and abduct Ukrainian youngsters. Although Congress amended legal constraints in December to allow the U.S. to aid Ukraine in judicial investigations, the administration is divided about whether to continue. According to reports, Pentagon authorities do not want to assist with the tribunal’s inquiry since doing so could set a precedent that encourages them to punish Americans. Yet, the rest of the Biden administration appears to be on board with sharing the information with the Netherlands-based court.

The National Security Council convened last month in an attempt to reach an accord, but the matter still needs to be settled. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) stated that the administration has signed on and is frustrated by the lone holdout. Pentagon chiefs “have stated their concerns, and they are not without merit, but I believe what we did in the legislation is the best course of action overall, and I want them to respect what we did,” he said.