Perry Elks make donations to Perry High School’s backpack program, Perry Area Food Pantry

Lisa Widick – Perry Elks Lodge No. 407

Items donated by Perry Elks Lodge No. 407 to Perry High School for their backpack program.

Two significant food donations were made recently to organizations in Perry. Perry Elks Lodge No. 407 received two grants from the Elks National Foundation that allowed for the donations to be made.

The first donation was $500 worth of items to Perry High School for their backpack program. The school supports a small pantry that allows students to take home food that they otherwise might not get. This donation was part of a $2,000 Spotlight Grant. More donations will follow throughout the remainder of the lodge year.

The second was $1,600 worth of food to the Perry Area Food Pantry. This donation was part of a $4,000 Beacon Grant the lodge received. Again, more donations will follow throughout the remainder of the lodge year.

Leading Knight Joe Scheib, Food Pantry Volunteer and Elks member Lou Hoger and Trustee Shaun Welch pose for a photo with a donation to the Perry Area Food Pantry.

Thank you to all Perry Elks members. Part of the membership dues paid by each member goes into the Elks National Foundation, which ultimately, comes back into the community with donations such as these.

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