Pet Food Drive to christen new real estate office

RICHLAND, Wash.- A new RE/MAX Horizon office is set to open soon and the agents are celebrating with a Pet Food Drive. 

The drive is set to be an annual event in honor of one of the cofounders, Peggy Beecher’s mother Juanita Thompson. The drive will start on December 16th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Donations will go to the Pit Bull Pen and the Tri-Cities Food Bank.

“During this time of year people often need help to make the holidays great,” said Owner Bryan Verhei. “While several groups do a great job of running food drives, we noticed there wasn’t anything for our furry friends. Juanita, who passed away this last spring, loved her animals and every year she packed up the back of the SUV with pet food to take to the shelter. Juanita had a giving heart and took care of every stray.”

The drive will take place at the new office located at 101 Wellsian Way in Richland.

If you would like to donate but can’t make it to the event, contact Peggy Beecher (509-420-6551) or Bryan Verhei (509-851-3900).

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