PHOTOS: Downtown Thursday entertainment draws a crowd


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Downtown Thursday

A crowd of Owatonnans watches international performer Jamey Mossengren, “The Unicycling Unicorn,” at Downtown Thursday. (Josh LaFollette/

The Unicycling Unicorn

Jamey Mossengren unicycles with a knife, juggling pin and lit torch in hand. (Josh LaFollette/

Hendrix Helgeson

Hendrix Helgeson, 5, plays for prizes at the Owatonna Public Schools table. (Josh LaFollette/

Owatonna Robotics

The Owatonna Robotics Team shows off their ring launching robot. (Josh LaFollette/

Gandrud twins

Scouts Thomas and Nikola Gandrud, both 13, race LEGO cars. (Josh LaFollette/

Sticky Bee Honey Farms

Bob Ford, of Austin, whips up a stick of honey cotton candy at Sticky Bee Honey Farms’ tent. (Josh LaFollette/

Sticky Bee Honey Farms


Jamey Mossengren juggles torches at Downtown Thursday. (Josh LaFollette/


Anna Marie Webb

Anna Marie Webb, 9, tosses a juggling pin to Jamey Mossengren, atop his 12-foot tall unicycle. Webb won a cash reward for her successful toss. (Josh LaFollette/

Anna Marie Webb

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