To the Editor:
As a lover of Texas Hold’em and recent closing of games at Laurel Manor for possibly the actions of one individual, I would like to share positive benefits of the game for senior poker players here in The Villages.
1. Figuring out opponents poker hands requires sharp observations skills
2. Learning and memorizing probability and understanding statistical calculations
3. Strategizing and adapting
4. Managing risk and reward
5. Practice, patience and focus
A 2009 Study in France with 5,000 participants found that playing poker was the most effective of all gaming tested to lower risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s by up to 50 percent
So poker can be a wonderful game to maintain our mental health. Mr. Rohan please consider how valuable this game can be for our mental health as we move forward navigating the continuation of Texas Hold’em in Village recreation centers.
Robert Kraus
Village of Del Mar