Police Reportedly Detained Amanda Bynes Again and Placed Her on 5150 Hold

Police are said to have again put actress Amanda Bynes on a mental hold against her will. Bynes has had problems with her mental health in the past, and she was hospitalized earlier this year, right before she was supposed to come back to the press. TMZ said that Bynes was taken into police custody on Saturday and will be held for a psychiatric exam.

A woman in trouble called 911 on Saturday morning, and the Los Angeles Police Department helped her. When they got there, they saw that it was Bynes, and since she was in bad shape, they decided to take her back to the police station. There, a medical unit looked at the 37-year-old actor and decided that she needed to be kept for more tests. Bynes was put on a “5150 hold,” which lets cops hold someone for up to 72 hours if they are having a mental health crisis that could make them dangerous to themselves or others.

On the bright side, Bynes called the cops herself and was said to be “calm” while things were going on. One person told TMZ that she seemed “defeated,” but someone close to Bynes told Entertainment Tonight that the actor has been doing her best to care for herself. Sad to say, they said that Bynes has been “inconsistent” about taking her medicine.

“Amanda was doing better recently and trying her best to take care of herself. She has been making an effort to go to AA meetings, trying to hang out with sober people, and she looked good. The only problem is she is inconsistent about taking her medication, which causes issues,” they said. “When Amanda was admitted to a mental facility a few months ago, things weren’t going as well for her. She was very distressed, concerned about her past and reputation, surrounding herself with the wrong people who were bad influences, and not taking her medication.”

Bynes’ mental health has improved a lot in recent years, and her guardianship will end in 2022. She had even planned to come back to the public eye in March at ’90s Con, but she was hospitalized that weekend for another mental health problem. At the time, Bynes is said to have stayed there for three weeks and continued to get help afterward as an outpatient. After her Saturday arrest, it is unclear what her treatment plan will look like.
