Portugal Sets Renewable Energy Milestone with Six-Day Streak


In a remarkable demonstration of green energy prowess, Portugal has set a new national record by exclusively relying on renewable energy sources for 149 hours straight—from the dawn of October 31 to the morning of November 6. This achievement not only surpasses its own previous record but also places the country at the forefront of sustainable energy practices globally.

Throughout this period, Portugal’s renewable energy output soared to 1,102 Gigawatt hours (GWh), eclipsing the nation’s total consumption, which included both industrial and residential use, of 840 GWh. This surplus of clean energy allowed Portugal to sustain itself and even export excess power to its neighbor, Spain.

In tandem with this feat, Portugal demonstrated that a natural gas-free energy grid is within reach, having avoided the use of this fossil fuel for 131 continuous hours. The implication is clear: Portugal is not only trimming down its carbon footprint but also showcasing the tangible potential of a future free from fossil fuels.

Portugal’s advancements in renewable energy are a testament to its early commitment to carbon neutrality. While the European Union collectively resolved to reach this goal by 2050 in 2019, Portugal had already pledged to do so three years prior. Moreover, it has already retired its coal-fired power plants—nine years ahead of its 2030 target—showing a commendable leap towards its environmental objectives.

Wind and solar energy are the twin pillars of Portugal’s renewable energy sector. These sources complement each other, with wind energy stepping in when solar power wanes and vice versa, ensuring a consistent flow of energy. This harmony between the two renewable sources is key to Portugal’s energy stability and its ambitious goals for the future.

The country has set a clear path forward with plans to shut down all natural gas-fired power plants by 2040. This goal is part of a larger vision that includes a significant expansion of its solar and hydrogen energy capacities. Portugal is already home to Europe’s most extensive floating solar park, which stands as a symbol of the country’s commitment to innovation and sustainability in energy production.

As Portugal marches towards its carbon neutrality, the recent record is a beacon of hope and a blueprint for what can be achieved with dedication and investment in renewable energy. It’s a message to the world: the era of sustainable energy isn’t on the horizon; it’s already here.


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