Post Malone Gives an 11-Year-Old Fan a $5,000 Guitar as a Gift

One lucky Post Malone fan left the show with the rock star’s $5,000 guitar as a gift and memory.

Winter, who is 11 years old, went to Post’s event in Tampa Bay on Tuesday night. At the end of the show, Post gave him his own blue guitar and a signed copy of one of his albums.

Jenn, Winter’s mother, told TMZ that both Winter and her other daughter, Brooklyn, are big fans of the star. The family has now seen Post Malone five times, and Tampa was the fifth time. Jenn says they’ve seen Malone give away broken guitars to people at other shows, but nothing like this.

TMZ also says that Winter doesn’t know how to play the guitar, but the gift’s rarity might make her want to learn. Post made the girl swear to respect the instrument before giving it to her, and Jenn says that they will do just that.

Winter won’t ever sell it. Instead, she wants to put it in a case and hang it on the wall of her room to show it off.

Brooklyn, Winter’s sister, won the songs “Shirt” and “Socks” by Post Malone.