Deep learning has become a popular tool to study cis-regulatory function. Yet efforts to design software for deep-learning analyses in regulatory genomics that are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) have fallen short of fully meeting these criteria. Here we present elucidating the utility of genomic elements with neural nets (EUGENe), a FAIR toolkit for the analysis of genomic sequences with deep learning. EUGENe consists of a set of modules and subpackages for executing the key functionality of a genomics deep learning workflow: (1) extracting, transforming and loading sequence data from many common file formats; (2) instantiating, initializing and training diverse model architectures; and (3) evaluating and interpreting model behavior. We designed EUGENe as a simple, flexible and extensible interface for streamlining and customizing end-to-end deep-learning sequence analyses, and illustrate these principles through application of the toolkit to three predictive modeling tasks. We hope that EUGENe represents a springboard towards a collaborative ecosystem for deep-learning applications in genomics research.
Cracking the cis-regulatory code that governs gene expression remains a fundamental challenge in genomics research. Efforts to annotate the genome with functional genomics data1 have powered machine learning methods that aim to learn biologically relevant sequence features by directly predicting these readouts. Deep learning has become especially popular in this space, and has been successfully applied to tasks such as DNA and RNA protein binding motif detection2,3,4,5,6, chromatin state prediction7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, transcriptional activity prediction10,19,20,21,22 and 3D contact prediction23,24,25,26. Complementary models have recently been developed to predict data from massively parallel reporter assays that directly test the gene regulatory potential of selected sequences27,28,29. Most encouragingly, many of these multilayered models go beyond state of the art predictive performance to generate expressive representations of the underlying sequence that can be interpreted to better understand the cis-regulatory code16,27,30.
Despite these advances, executing a deep-learning workflow in genomics remains a considerable challenge. Although model training has been substantially simplified by dedicated deep-learning libraries such as PyTorch31 and Tensorflow32, nuances specific to genomics data create an especially high learning curve for performing analyses in this space. On top of this, the heterogeneity in implementations of most code associated with publications greatly hinders extensibility and reproducibility. These conditions often make the development of genomics deep-learning workflows painfully slow even for experienced deep-learning researchers, and potentially inaccessible to many others.
Accordingly, the genomics deep-learning community has assembled software packages33,34,35,36,37 that aim to address one or more of these challenges. However, each toolkit on its own does not offer both end-to-end functionality and simplicity, and there remains a general lack of interoperability between packages. For instance, Kipoi36 increases the accessibility of trained models and published architectures, but does not provide a comprehensive framework for an end-to-end deep-learning workflow. Selene34 implements a library based in PyTorch for applying the full deep-learning workflow to new or existing models, but offers a limited programmatic interface, requires the use of complex configuration files, and has limited functionality for model interpretation. Janggu35, one of the more comprehensive packages, provides extensive functionality for data loading and for training models, but offers limited support for PyTorch and limited functionality for model interpretation.
There is generally a need for an end-to-end toolkit in this space that follows findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) data and software principles38, and that is inherently designed to be simple and extensible. To address this need, we have developed elucidating the utility of genomic elements with neural nets (EUGENe), a FAIR toolkit for the analysis of sequence-based datasets.
A standard EUGENe workflow consists of three main stages outlined in Fig. 1: extracting, transforming and loading (ETL) data from common file formats (Fig. 1a); instantiating, initializing and training (IIT) neural network architectures (Fig. 1b); and evaluating and interpreting (EI) learned model behavior on held-out data (Fig. 1c). The major goal of EUGENe is to streamline the end-to-end execution of these three stages to promote the effective design, implementation, validation and interpretation of deep-learning solutions in regulatory genomics. We have listed several common deep learning for regulatory genomics tasks that can be implemented in an end-to-end fashion with EUGENe (Supplementary Table 1). We next describe three in detail, highlighting the core aspects of the workflow on different data types and training tasks. A more detailed description of the workflow is provided in the Methods.
We first used EUGENe to analyze published data from an assay of plant promoters29 (Fig. 2a). Jores et al. selected promoter sequences from −165 to +5-bp relative to the annotated transcription start site for protein-coding and microRNA genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays (maize) and Sorghum bicolor29. A total of 79,838 170-bp promoters were used to transiently transform two separate plant systems, tobacco leaves and maize protoplasts. Regulatory activity was quantified using a variant of the self-transcribing active regulatory region sequencing (STARR-seq) assay39 in each system. The resulting data provides two activity scores that can serve as single task regression targets for training EUGENe models.
We implemented both the custom BiConv1D layer40 and convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture (Jores21CNN) described by Jores and colleagues29, and then trained separate Jores21CNN architectures for predicting tobacco leaf (leaf models) and maize protoplast (protoplast models) activity scores. We benchmarked these models against built-in CNN and Hybrid architectures with matched hyperparameters, as well as a DeepSTARR architecture27 (Supplementary Data 1). As described in the work by Jores et al. (see Methods), we initialized 78 filters of the first convolutional layer of all models with position weight matrices (PWMs) of plant transcription factors (n = 72) and core promoter elements (n = 6)29. In both systems, performance metrics for the most predictive models were comparable with those reported by Jores and co-workers (Fig. 2b and Supplementary Fig. 1a). We also trained models on activity scores from both leaves and protoplasts (combined models) and noted a marked drop in performance (Supplementary Fig. 1b), underscoring differences in the way the leaf and maize systems interact with the same set of promoters29.
We next applied several of EUGENe’s interpretation functions to the trained models to determine the sequence features each used to predict plant promoter activity. First, we used a filter visualization approach11 to generate position frequency matrix (PFM) representations for each of the first convolutional layer’s filters and used the TomTom41 tool to annotate them. We queried the PFMs against the 78 motifs used to initialize the convolutional layers, both to determine whether the initialized filters retained their motifs and to see whether randomly initialized filters learned them de novo. For the leaf and protoplast models, many of the learned filters were annotated to the TATA box binding motif and other core promoter elements (Fig. 2c,d). Only ten learned filters from the combined model were assigned a significant annotation (adjusted P-value < 0.05) by TomTom (Fig. 2d and Supplementary Fig. 1c), consistent with the observed performance drop in this system (Supplementary Fig. 1a). We next applied the DeepLIFT method42 to determine the individual nucleotide contributions for each test set sequence prediction. For many of the sequences with the highest observed activity scores, the TATA box motifs were often the lone salient feature identified (Fig. 2e and Supplementary Fig. 1d). In fact, when only a TATA box motif was inserted into every possible position in each of the 310 selected promoters, we observed an 147% average increase in predicted activity across insertion positions and sequence contexts for the leaf model (Fig. 2f and Supplementary Fig. 1e). Finally, we performed ten rounds of in silico evolution on the same set of 310 promoters as described in Jores et al. Almost all of the starting promoters showed a notable increase in predicted activity after just three mutations (Fig. 2g and Supplementary Fig. 1f). These results showcase a representative example of the way EUGENe’s interpretation suite can be used to identify the key features that a model uses to make predictions.
To illustrate EUGENe’s versatility for different inputs and prediction tasks, we next applied it to analyze RNA binding protein (RBP) specificity data previously introduced by Ray et al.43 and analyzed through deep learning by Alipanahi and colleagues2. In the latter work, they trained 244 CNN models (DeepBind models) that each predicted the binding patterns of a single RBP on a set of 241,357 RNA probes (Extended Data Fig. 1a). The full probe set was designed to capture all possible RNA 9-mers at least 16 times and was split into two balanced subsets (sets A and B) for training and validation, respectively (see Methods)43. Each RBP was incubated with a molecular excess of probes from each subset (in separate experiments) and subsequently recovered by affinity purification. The RNAs associated with each RBP were then quantified by microarray and subsequent bioinformatic analysis44. This yielded a vector of continuous binding intensity values for each RBP across the probe set that can be used for prediction.
To prepare for training, we first implemented a flexible DeepBind architecture in EUGENe (see Methods) and then trained 244 single task models by using a nearly identical training procedure to Alipanahi et al.2 (Supplementary Data 2). Along with these single task models, we also randomly initialized and trained a multitask model (Supplementary Data 2) to predict 233 RBP specificities (that is, a 233-dimensional vector) in a single forward pass, excluding 11 RBPs due to a high proportion of missing values across probes in the training set. We also loaded 89 existing Kipoi36 models trained on a subset of human RBPs in the dataset.
Performance on Set B for all deep-learning models was on par with Set B’s correlation to Set A (Extended Data Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 2a) and both single task and multitask models trained with EUGENe showed comparable performance to Kipoi and DeepBind models (Extended Data Fig. 1b,c and Supplementary Fig. 2a,b). The reason for the poor observed performance of certain Kipoi models is not immediately clear, but could relate to differences in sequence or target preprocessing before evaluation. Although the ability to load these pretrained models from Kipoi is very useful for benchmarking, implementing and retraining models is often necessary for fair performance comparisons. EUGENe supports both loading and retraining models, allowing users to more quickly design and execute quality benchmarking experiments.
We next applied EUGENe’s interpretation suite to our trained models, first using the filter visualization approach outlined by Alipanahi et al.2 to generate PFMs for convolutional filters. We again used TomTom to identify filters annotated with canonical RBP motifs43 in both the best-performing single-task models and the multitask model (Extended Data Fig. 1d and Supplementary Fig. 2c), and found that the number of multitask filters annotated to an RBP was correlated with predictive performance for that RBP (Extended Data Fig. 1d, bottom). We also calculated attributions for all Set B sequences using the InputXGradient method42 and observed that canonical motifs were learned by both single- and multitask models (Extended Data Fig. 1e and Supplementary Fig. 2d). Finally, we used EUGENe’s sequence evolution functionality to evolve ten random sequences using the single task HNRNPA1L2 model and visualized the attributions for these sequences before and after five rounds of evolution (Extended Data Fig. 1f). Several of the mutations that most increased the predicted score were those that generated canonical binding motifs for the protein. We repeated this for two other RBPs (Pcbp2 and NCU02404) and observed that each model prioritizes mutations that create canonical binding motifs specific to the RBP they were trained on (Supplementary Fig. 2e). These results show that EUGENe simplifies the extraction of salient features from models trained within the same workflow.
As our final use case, we applied EUGENe to the classification of JunD binding as described by Kopp and colleagues35. This task uses ChIP-seq data from ENCODE1 to generate input sequences and binarized classification labels for each sequence (Extended Data Fig. 2a). We used EUGENe to first build a deep-learning-ready dataset for this prediction task (see Methods) and then implemented the CNN architecture described by Kopp et al. (Kopp21CNN). We benchmarked classification performance against built-in fully connected networks (FCNs), CNNs and Hybrid models with matched hyperparameters (Supplementary Data 3). All built-in models were configured to incorporate information from both the forward and reverse strand (double-stranded or ‘ds’ models).
We trained models using the same procedure described by Kopp et al. (see Methods)35. Due to the unbalanced nature of the dataset, we focused on evaluating models with the area under the precision recall curve (AUPRC). For our Kopp21CNNs, we were able to achieve comparable performances on held-out chromosome 3 sequences to those reported by Kopp et al. for one-hot encoded sequences (Extended Data Fig. 2b,c). The dsFCN—the only model without any convolutional layers—immediately overfit the data after a single training epoch and was not predictive of binding (Extended Data Fig. 2c). The dsCNN models, however, achieved higher mean AUPRCs than the dsHybrid models, and much higher AUPRCs than the Kopp21CNN architectures.
We next applied EUGENe’s interpretation tools to ask whether our best models were learning sequence features relevant to JunD binding to make predictions. We first generated attributions for the forward and reverse complement strands of all test set sequences using the GradientSHAP45 method, and visualized the most highly predicted sequences as sequence logos (Extended Data Fig. 2d and Supplementary Fig. 3a). We observed that the most important nucleotides often highlighted consensus or near-consensus JunD motifs, and that these motifs were often attributed similarly on both the forward and reverse strands (Extended Data Fig. 2d and Supplementary Fig. 3a); however, there were instances in which salient motifs were highlighted on one strand but not the other (Extended Data Fig. 2d), indicating the utility of incorporating information from both strands for prediction. We next generated PFM representations for all ten filters of each convolutional model (excluding dsFCNs) and annotated them using TomTom against the HOCOMOCO FULL v.11 database46 (Extended Data Fig. 2e and Supplementary Fig. 3b). Among the top hits, we found several filters annotated with motifs such as JunD and CTCF (Extended Data Fig. 2e and Supplementary Fig. 3b). Finally, we performed an in silico experiment with the best overall model, in which we slid a consensus JunD motif across each position of a set of ten randomly generated sequences and predicted binding (Extended Data Fig. 2f). We observed that the simple inclusion of the consensus binding site led to a considerable jump in predicted output with some position specificity. These results once again showcase that EUGENe’s interpretation methods can help explain model predictions, in this case for DNA protein binding from a genome-wide assay.
There are numerous opportunities for future development of EUGENe, but we see a few as high priority. EUGENe is primarily designed to work on nucleotide sequence input (DNA and RNA), but currently does not have dedicated functions for handling protein sequence or multimodal inputs. Furthermore, as assays move from bulk to single-cell resolution, it will be important to develop functionality for handling single-cell data that allows users to easily ask questions about cell-type-specific regulatory syntax. Finally, we plan on expanding EUGENe’s dataset and model library to encompass a larger portion of those available in the field.
The heterogeneity in data types and methods that exist in deep learning for regulatory genomics and the rapid pace with which the field advances makes maintaining FAIR software in this space a major challenge. One of the tasks in Supplementary Table 1, for instance, involves a recently developed and highly specific data formatting and preprocessing pipeline47. The use of bespoke methods for data preprocessing, as well as for model interpretation, is quite common in the field, and is often necessary to train accurate models that avoid common machine learning pitfalls48. For example, some workflows may require complex implementations of train and test set splitting to protect against information leakage49. We see substantial value in continuing to extend EUGENe into spaces such as these, and have designed the toolkit to allow for easy integration of this type of functionality. To continue to make bespoke methods and workflows accessible, we intend to encourage community development of EUGENe through tutorials, workshops and a dedicated user group.
As large consortia (such as ENCODE Phase 4 and Impact of Genomic Variation on Function) and individual groups continue to generate functional genomics data at both the bulk and single-cell level, the need for a standardized deep-learning analysis ecosystem to investigate complex relationships in this data becomes even more pressing. We believe that EUGENe represents a positive step in the direction of such an ecosystem and will empower computational scientists to rapidly expand their knowledge, develop and share methods and models, and answer important questions about the genome and how it encodes function.
The EUGENe workflow
Data extraction, transformation and loading with SeqData
The EUGENe workflow begins with extracting data from on-disk formats. Although standardized file formats exist in regulatory genomics, their complexity can make creating model-ready datasets non-trivial. To address this in EUGENe, we created the standalone subpackage, SeqData50, which flexibly and efficiently reads data from a variety of file formats, including CSV/TSV (tabular), FASTA, BED, BAM and BigWig (Extended Data Fig. 3a, top). The versatility of SeqData enables the generation of many custom datasets from combinations of these file types, including several commonly used in regulatory genomics. These include: (1) datasets derived from combinations of tabular and FASTA files that are suitable for single- and multitask regression and classification (for example, DeepSTARR27); (2) datasets from genomic coordinates defined in BED files suitable for multitask binary classification (such as DeepSEA7 or Sei15); and (3) datasets from multiple BigWigs and BED files suitable for binned or base-pair resolution regression (for example, Basenji10 and BPNet30, respectively). EUGENe also supplies a growing collection of hand-curated datasets available via the SeqDatasets subpackage51 (Supplementary Data 4) that can be downloaded and subsequently loaded into a workflow via a single function call (Extended Data Fig. 3a, bottom).
By default, SeqData reads files from disk as XArray datasets52 backed by Zarr stores53 (Fig. 1a). We chose to use XArray and Zarr as they are scalable, capable of handling high-dimensional data, and have been previously used in a variety of bioinformatics domains54,55,56. Furthermore, Zarr stores can be loaded out-of-core thanks to functionality offered by XArray and Dask57, allowing for processing and training of large-scale datasets (Supplementary Fig. 4a). As is standard in deep learning, training in EUGENe is always performed by loading data into GPU memory in batches (when a GPU is available), but is slowed by using the out-of-core functionality on the CPU (Supplementary Fig. 4b). Thus, the decision on whether to first load the dataset into CPU memory before training should balance the available resources and dataset size. Certain datasets, such as those used to train Enformer21 or Basenji10, will probably require this out-of-core functionality; however, we have found that many useful and large datasets can entirely fit into memory on machines with less than 32 GB of RAM (Supplementary Data 5).
Once created, an array of functions can be called directly on these XArray datasets to perform common preprocessing steps. EUGENe includes a baseline set of functions for train and test set splitting (for example, by chromosome, fraction or homology58) and target normalization (for example, binning, Z-score, clamping and so on) (Extended Data Fig. 3b, left). Sequence preprocessing is handled by the SeqPro subpackage59, which includes Numba-accelerated60 padding and one-hot encoding of DNA and RNA sequences (Extended Data Fig. 3b, right), as well as jittering and k-mer frequency-preserving shuffling61. EUGENe also fully supports data visualization through the Matplotlib62 and Seaborn63 libraries (Extended Data Fig. 3c) and conversion of XArray datasets to formats ingestible by deep-learning frameworks in a highly flexible manner (Extended Data Fig. 3d). Finally, XArray datasets can easily be converted to more familiar Python data structures (NumPy arrays, Pandas DataFrames and so on) and back to allow the user to access the functionality of these libraries.
Model training with PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning
Designing and training neural networks for regulatory genomics requires a comprehensive library of architecture building blocks. EUGENe builds on the PyTorch library of neural network layers by adding several useful layers such as inception and residual layers. Furthermore, EUGENe provides flexible functions for instantiating common ‘blocks’ and ‘towers’ that are composed of heterogeneous sets of layers arranged in a predefined or adaptable order. For instance, a convolutional block (Conv1DBlock in EUGENe) often comprises convolutional, normalization, activation and dropout layers in different orderings depending on the model and task (Extended Data Fig. 3e, top). On top of this, EUGENe’s library supports customizable fully connected (FCN), convolutional (CNN), recurrent (RNN) and Hybrid (a combination of the three, shown in Fig. 1b) architectures that can be instantiated from single function calls or configuration files (Extended Data Fig. 3e, bottom, and Supplementary Data 6, basic architectures). We have also constructed several published architectures that represent specific configurations of these basic architectures, and made them accessible to users through single function calls (Supplementary Data 6). Users looking to use their own custom architectures can also do so, as EUGENe only requires that an architecture be defined by its layers (‘init’ function) and how inputs are propagated through those layers (forward function; Supplementary Fig. 5a). In summary, model architectures can be instantiated from the application programming interface (API), built from scratch using our library, or imported from external repositories or packages. We provide a detailed tutorial on instantiating architectures via these different mechanisms in EUGENe’s tutorials repository64.
Once instantiated, architectures can be initialized with parameters sampled from standard initialization distributions (Extended Data Fig. 3f, top), or in the special case of convolutional filters, initialized with known motifs8,16 (Extended Data Fig. 3f, bottom). EUGENe can then be used to fit initialized architectures to datasets (with the option to perform hyperparameter optimization through the RayTune package65), and to assess performance and generalizability on held-out test data (Extended Data Fig. 3g). For training, EUGENe uses the PyTorch Lightning framework66 and programmatic objects called LightningModules. Each EUGENe LightningModule delineates the architecture types it can train and standardizes boilerplate tasks for those architectures (for example, optimizer configuration, metric logging and so on). For instance, the primary LightningModule in EUGENe, termed SequenceModule (Extended Data Fig. 3h), anticipates training an architecture that takes in a single tensor (typically one-hot encoded DNA sequences) and delivers a single tensor output. We have also implemented a ProfileModule for BPNet-style30 training, in which models produce multiple tensor outputs (or ‘heads’), accept optional control inputs and use multiple loss functions67. Using LightningModules in this manner requires only minor code modifications to allow for the reuse of the same architectures in different training schemes and tasks (Supplementary Fig. 5b) and for the fine-tuning of pretrained models (Supplementary Fig. 5c). We plan on continuing to develop the library of LightningModules for different training schemes, including adversarial learning68, generative modeling69, language modeling70 and more.
Model interpretation with SeqExplainer
Interpreting models is of critical importance in regulatory genomics71,72,73, but is often made challenging by the complexity of neural networks and methods for their interpretation. To address this in EUGENe, we created a standalone subpackage called SeqExplainer that makes various post-hoc interpretation strategies accessible to most PyTorch models trained on one-hot encoded genomic sequences74. SeqExplainer currently provides functionality for filter interpretation, attribution analysis, in silico experimentation and sequence generation. Each strategy is briefly detailed below.
The interpretation of learned convolutional filters, commonly employed for model architectures that begin with a convolutional layer, involves using the set of sequences that activate a given filter (maximally activating subsequences) to generate a PFM (Extended Data Fig. 3i). The PFM can then be converted to a PWM, visualized as a sequence logo, and annotated with tools such as TomTom41, using databases of known motifs such as JASPAR75 or HOCOMOCO46. Filter interpretation in this manner does have limitations. TomTom can be inaccurate when annotating motifs from learned filters18,76 and this analysis does not specify the importance of each filter for model predictions76. Despite these limitations, filter interpretation can be useful for hypothesis generation and for further exploration of how architecture affects learned representations76,77,78.
Attribution analysis involves using the trained model to score every nucleotide of the input on how it influences the downstream prediction for that sequence (Extended Data Fig. 3j). In SeqExplainer and EUGENe, we currently implement several common attribution approaches. These include standard in silico saturation mutagenesis, InputXGradient42, DeepLIFT42 and GradientSHAP45, with the last three using functionality from the Captum package79. Attributions can also be used to validate that the model has learned representations that resemble motifs. Unlike the filter interpretability approach described above, attributions are directly linked to model predictions, and can naturally be extended to model the effects of single-nucleotide polymorphisms; however, attributions represent a ‘local’, often noisy80,81 interpretation of a single sequence, and can require clustering into ‘global’ attributions for cleaner interpretation. In SeqExplainer we offer wrappers for running the popular TF-MoDISco algorithm82 to accomplish this.
Attribution analysis, although very useful, stops short of quantifying the effect of whole motifs on model predictions. To get at the quantitative effects of such patterns, EUGENe offers a wide range of functionality for conducting in silico experiments with motifs of interest27,30, also known as global importance analyses (GIAs)5. As the space of possible GIAs is essentially infinite, and the type of GIA used is often dependent on the data, model and biological question being asked, we provide the building blocks for GIAs in SeqExplainer, including functionality for generating background sequences and introducing perturbations (for example, mutations, motif embedding, motif occlusion and so on) to those sequences (Extended Data Fig. 3k). EUGENe currently offers high-level functions for streamlining positional importance analysis (Extended Data Fig. 3l) and distance-dependent motif cooperativity analysis, and we anticipate adding many more common GIAs to EUGENe in the future.
The last class of interpretability methods currently offered in EUGENe uses trained models to guide sequence evolution. We implement the simplest form of this approach that iteratively evolves a sequence by greedily inserting the mutation with the largest predicted impact at each iteration. Starting with an initial sequence (for example random, shuffled and so on), this strategy can be used to evolve synthetic functional sequences69 (Extended Data Fig. 3m). This style of analysis is a promising direction for further research, and can also be used for validating that the model has learned representations that resemble motifs.
Analysis of plant promoter data
Data acquisition and preprocessing
Plant promoter assay data were obtained from the GitHub repository associated with the work by Jores and co-workers29. These included two identical libraries for a set of 79,838 plant promoters synthesized with an upstream viral 35 S enhancer and downstream barcode tagged GFP reporter gene (Fig. 2a). The libraries were designed to include 10–20 constructs with distinct barcodes for each promoter. These libraries were used to transiently transform both tobacco leaves and maize protoplasts and promoter activities were assayed using plant STARR-seq39. Per-barcode activity was calculated as the ratio of RNA barcode frequency to DNA barcode frequency and the median of these ratios was then used to aggregate across barcodes assigned to the same promoter. These aggregated scores were then normalized by the median value for a control construct and were log transformed to calculate a per-promoter ‘enrichment’ score. We downloaded these enrichment scores83 for both libraries as separate datasets which we could use as training targets. We used the identical 90/10 training and test split used in Jores et al. (the dataset could be downloaded with set labels). The training set was further split into 90/10 train and validation sets. All sequences were one-hot encoded using a channel for each letter of the DNA alphabet (‘ACGT’).
Model initialization and training
We implemented the Jores21CNN architecture by translating the Keras code in the associated GitHub repository into PyTorch and integrating it into our library. We benchmarked this architecture against built-in CNN, Hybrid and DeepSTARR architectures in EUGENe with the hyperparameters described in Supplementary Data 1. In each convolutional layer, the Jores21CNN first applies a set of filters to the input as is standard for convolutional models, but also applies the reverse complements of the filters (as opposed to the reverse complement of the sequences) to each input in an effort to capture information from both strands40. As this still only requires a single strand as input into the models, we opted to benchmark against only single-stranded versions of built-in CNN and Hybrid models. Following instantiation, we initialized 78 filters in the first convolutional layer of each model using PWMs derived from core promoter elements and transcription factor binding clusters downloaded from the GitHub repository84 associated with the publication. All of the other parameters were initialized by sampling from the Kaiming normal distribution85. We trained models for a maximum of 25 epochs with a batch size of 128 and used the Adam optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.001. We also included a learning rate scheduler that modified the learning rate during training with a patience of two epochs. We used mean squared error as our objective function and stopped training early if the validation set error did not decrease after five epochs.
Model evaluation and interpretation
Models were primarily evaluated using the percentage of variance explained (R2) on predictions for the test set. We repeated the above training procedure across five independent random initializations and evaluated R2 scores across these trials. For PWM visualization, we used the approach described by Minnoye and colleagues11. Briefly, for each filter in the first convolutional layer, we calculated activations for all subsequences (of the same length as the filter) within the test set sequences. We then took the top-100 subsequences corresponding to the top-100 activations (maximally activating subsequences) and generated a PFM. For visualizing filters as sequence logos, we converted PFMs to PWMs using a uniform background nucleotide frequency. We calculated attributions for all test set sequences using the DeepLIFT method42. To perform the feature implantation approach, we downloaded the 16 bp PFM containing the consensus TATA box motif from the Jores et al. GitHub repository and one-hot encoded it by taking the highest probability nucleotide at each position. We also downloaded the set of 310 promoters86 used by Jores et al. for in silico evolution. We then implanted the TATA box containing sequence at every possible position of each of the 310 promoter sequences and used selected high-performing models (one each from leaf, protoplast and combined) to make predictions. We compared this to predicted scores generated with the same feature implantation approach using a shuffled version of the 16 bp sequence containing the TATA box motif, a random 16 bp one-hot encoded sequence, and a 16 bp all zeros input. We performed the in silico evolution experiments on the same set of 310 promoter sequences29. In each round, we first used in silico saturation mutagenesis to identify the mutation that increased the model score by the largest positive value (delta score). We then introduced this mutation into the sequence and repeated this for ten iterations.
Analysis of RNA binding data
Data acquisition and preprocessing
As described in detail by Alipanahi and colleagues2, set of 241,357 31–41 nt long RNA probes were split into two experimental sets (sets A and B), with each designed to include all possible 9-mers at least eight times, all possible 8-mers at least 33 times and all possible 7-mers 155 times (Extended Data Fig. 1a). These probes were assayed against 244 RBPs using a protein binding microarray44, and intensities were normalized as described by Ray and colleagues43. We downloaded the normalized RNA probe binding intensity matrix from the supplementary information of ref. 43, and separated the Set A and B sequences into two distinct groups. To remove outliers, we set all values of probe intensities to be capped at the 99.95 percentile for each prediction task (RBP). We then Z-scored the clamped values to zero mean and unit standard deviation for each RBP. All normalizations were performed using Set A statistics (that is, Set B values were Z-scored using means and standard deviations from Set A). For multitask prediction, we removed the 11 RBPs with ≥0.1% missing values across all probes in Set A, and further removed all probes in Set A that had any missing values for any of the remaining 233 RBPs. This left 120,326 and 110,645 probes for training single- and multitask models, respectively, and 121,031 in Set B for testing. Set A was then further split 80/20 into a training and validation set. All sequences were one-hot encoded using a channel for each of the RNA alphabet (‘ACGU’) for input into models.
Model initialization and training
We implemented the DeepBind architecture described in the supplementary information of Alipanahi et al.2 and added it as a EUGENe model library. DeepBind architectures were initially designed to take either the forward strand or both strands (ds) as input; however, Alipanahi et al. trained their RBP models with just the single-strand input due to the single-stranded nature of RNA, so we also used a single stranded implementation for our DeepBind models. We initialized both the single task models and the multitask model with parameters sampled from the Kaiming normal distribution85 and trained all models for a maximum of 25 and 100 epochs, respectively, using the Adam optimizer87 and an initial learning rate of 0.005. We also included a learning rate scheduler that modified the learning rate during training with a patience of 2 epochs. The batch size for training was fixed to 64 and 1,024 for single- and multitask models, respectively, and the mean-squared error was used as the objective function for all models, with training halting if the validation set error did not decrease after five epochs. For multitask models, we used the average mean-squared error across all tasks. Hyperparameters selected for the architectures of each model are provided in Supplementary Data 2. Finally, we downloaded a set of 89 pretrained human RBP models88 from Kipoi and wrapped functions from the Kipoi package to make predictions using these models.
Model evaluation
We evaluated models using the Z-score, AUC and E-score metrics reported by Alipanahi and co-workers2. To calculate these metrics, we first computed a binary n × m matrix A, where the n rows represent all possible 7-mers from the RNA alphabet (AAAAAAA, AAAAAAC, AAAAAAG and so on), and the m columns represent the 121,031 probes assayed from Set B. Each entry aij in the matrix is 1 if the ith k-mer is found in the jth probe and 0 otherwise. Consider first working with a single RBP, in which we have normalized binding intensity values for each of the 121,031 probes (m-dimensional vector x). We compared the ith row (representing a k-mer) of the matrix A (an m-dimensional vector) to the vector x of observed intensities and computed the Z-scores, AUCs and E-scores for that k-mer as described in ref. 2 and ref. 43. We repeated this for all k-mers (across rows of A) to generate an n-dimensional vector for each metric meant to capture the importance of each k-mer for binding that RBP. For Z-scores, 0 indicates an average level of binding when that k-mer is present in the probe sequence, with more positive scores indicating higher levels of binding than average when that k-mer is present. For AUC and E-scores (a modified AUC), the value is bound between 0 and 1, with values closer to 1 indicating more binding when that k-mer is present. We repeated this process for all models that predict probe intensities by substituting the predicted intensities from a given model for the vector x of observed intensities. We generated a set of n-dimensional vectors for each model-metric pair (that is, for a single-task model, we have a vector each for the Z-scores, E-scores and AUCs), and then took each of these vectors and calculated Pearson and Spearman correlations with the vector x from the observed Set B intensities. This results in a pair of correlation values, one Pearson and one Spearman, describing the performance of a given model on a specific RBP (these are single points in the box plots shown in Extended Data Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 2a). Repeating this process for all RBPs generates a distribution of correlations for a given model.
We can use the same procedure on Set A observed intensities to generate a distribution of correlations analogous to a biological replicate. These are the ‘Set A’ and ‘Observed intensities’ columns of Extended Data Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 2a. We generated the distribution labeled ‘Set A’ in this way with our own implementation of these metrics and downloaded the ‘Observed intensities’ distribution from performance tables included in the supplement of Alipanahi and colleagues. Finally, we calculated Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients for the observed and predicted intensities on Set B for all models. Note that this is not possible to do for Set A as the probes are different for this set, hence the omission of the ‘Set A’ and ‘Observed intensities’ columns in the last box plots of Extended Data Fig. 1b and Supplementary Fig. 2a.
Model interpretation
For filter visualization, we used the approach described in Alipanahi and co-workers. Briefly, for a given filter, we calculated the activation scores for all possible subsequences (of the same length as the filter) from Set B probes and identified the maximum value. We then used only the subsequences with an activation at least three-quarters of this maximum to generate a PFM for that filter. We repeated this process for all 16 filters in each of the top-10 single task models and for all 1,024 filters of the multitask model. The top-10 single task models were chosen on the basis of ranking of Pearson correlations between observed and predicted intensity values. We then input all multitask PFMs to TomTom for annotation against the Ray2013 Homo sapiens database and filtered for hits with a Bonferroni multiple-test-corrected P-value ≤ 0.05. We calculated attributions for all Set B probes using the InputXGradient method42. For multitask models, attributions can be calculated on a per task basis to determine how each nucleotide of the input sequence influenced that particular task. We again only did this for a subset of RBPs, using the Pearson correlation of predicted and observed intensities to choose the top-10 single task models and the top-10 predicted tasks for the multitask model. We use the same in silico evolution method for this use case as we did for the plant promoters. Using trained models for selected RBPs, we first performed five rounds of evolution on ten randomly generated sequences of 41 nt in length (ACGU sampled uniformly). We then calculated feature attributes for the initial random sequences and the evolved sequences using the InputXGradient method and compared them.
Analysis of JunD binding data
Data acquisition and preprocessing
We followed the same procedure to acquire and preprocess the data for training models on the prediction of JunD binding as reported in a work by Kopp and colleagues35. We started by downloading JunD peaks from human embryonic stem cells (H1-hesc) called with the hg38 reference genome from encodeproject.org (ENCFF446WOD, conservative IDR thresholded peaks, narrowPeak format). We next defined regions of interest (ROIs) by extending the union of all JunD peaks by 10 kb in each direction. We removed blacklisted regions for hg38 (ref. 89) using bedtools90 and trimmed the ends of resulting regions to be divisible into 200 bp bins. For training and testing, we binned ROI’s into 200 bp sequences and labeled any of those that overlapped a JunD binding peak with a positive label and all non-overlapping bins with a negative label. As input to models, we first extended each genomic bin by 150 bp on each side (so that the model sees 500 bp in total for each input when predicting on a 200 bp site) and then one-hot encoded using a channel for each of the DNA alphabet (ACGT). In total, we used 1,013,080 200 bp bins for generating training, validation and test sets. We split the sequences by chromosome so that validation sequences were from chr2 and test sequences from chr3 (the rest were used for training).
Model initialization and training
For the JunD binding task, we first implemented the Kopp21CNN architecture described in a work by Kopp et al.35 by following the Keras code in the associated GitHub repository along with their description of the layers in the supplementary information of ref. 35. We then trained five random initializations of dsFCNs, dsCNNs, dsHybrids and Kopp21CNNs, each with parameters sampled from the Kaiming normal distribution. All of the models used both the forward and reverse strands as input through the same architecture (ds). Following the work by Kopp and co-workers, we trained all models for a maximum of 30 epochs with the AMSGrad optimizer91 and an initial learning rate of 0.001. The batch size for training was fixed to 64 for all models and binary cross-entropy was used as the objective function, halting training if the validation set error did not decrease after five epochs. Hyperparameters selected for the architectures of each model are provided in Supplementary Data 3.
Model evaluation and interpretation
Models were primarily evaluated using the AUPRC as the dataset was heavily imbalanced. We again performed model interpretation using attributions, filter visualizations and in silico experimentation methods from EUGENe. We calculated attributions for the forward and reverse strands of all test set sequences using the GradientSHAP method45. To visualize filters, we applied the approach from ref. 11 and generated PFMs. We fed these PFMs to the TomTom webserver and queried the HOCOMOCO v.11 FULL database46. We subset filters down to those with a multiple-test-corrected P-value ≤ 0.05 and manually inspected the top hits. These PWMs were visualized as logos using a uniform background of nucleotide frequencies. We performed the in silico implantation experiment using the JunD PFM downloaded from JASPAR92. We calculated model scores by generating ten randomly generated sequences (uniformly sampled) and implanting the consensus one-hot encoded JunD motif at every possible position. We compared this to predicted scores from applying the same approach to a random one-hot encoded sequence, an all zeros input and a dinucleotide shuffled JunD motif, all of the same length as the consensus JunD motif.
Data visualization software
For most exploratory data analysis and performance evaluations, we used a combination of the Seaborn and Matplotlib plotting libraries in Python. For sequence logo visualizations of filters and attributions, we used modified functions from the viz_sequence package93, and the logomaker package94.
Statistical methods
Mann–Whitney U tests95 were used to compare performance distributions between architecture types and P-values were corrected with the Benjamini–Hochberg method96. TomTom reports significance of alignments of query motifs to a database using the methods described in ref. 41. We used the q-value reported by the webserver tool97 and considered hits to be those alignments with a q-value ≤ 0.05 as significant. Figures for in silico implantation of motifs included 95% confidence intervals.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.
Data availability
All of the datasets used in this study are publicly available. Raw and processed data for the plant promoter STARR-seq were obtained from ref. 83. Normalized RNA probe binding intensities were obtained from ref. 98. JunD peaks from human embryonic stem cells (H1-hesc) called with the hg38 reference genome were obtained from encodeproject.org (ENCFF446WOD, conservative IDR thresholded peaks, narrowPeak format). Blacklisted regions for hg38 were obtained from ref. 89. TomTom queries were performed against the Ray2013 Homo sapiens and the HOCOMOCO v.11 FULL motif collections for the RBP binding and JunD binding use cases, respectively. The JunD PFM was obtained from ref. 92 for the in silico implantation experiment; 89 RBP models were obtained from the Kipoi mode repository at ref. 88. We have also deposited the EUGENe specific dataset files and trained models used in the analyses presented here on Zenodo99. These represent the processed data files and SeqData objects that can be used along with the accompanying code to generate the figures for all the use cases. Source Data are provided with this paper.
Code availability
EUGENe is freely available under the MIT license at https://github.com/ML4GLand/EUGENe. The version of the codebase used for the analyses presented here is available on Zenodo100. Documentation for the tool is available at https://eugene-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html. Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts used to perform the analyses presented here are available on GitHub at https://github.com/ML4GLand/EUGENe_paper (under the Creative Commons Zero v.1.0 Universal license) and deposited on Zenodo101.
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This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (grant no. 1U01HG012059); infrastructure was funded by the National Institutes of Health (grant no. 2P41GM103504-11); T.J. is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG; fellowship no. 441540116). E.K.F and J.J.S were supported by the National Institutes of Health (grant no. DP2HG010013). H.C. is supported by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (award no. FL-000655). We would like to thank the community of genomics researchers who made their code open source so that we could utilize it for EUGENe functions.
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A.K., J.J.S., E.K.F. and H.C. designed the study. A.K. designed the toolkit. A.K., D.L, J.T. and H.S. implemented the code. A.K. and D.L. performed the use case analyses. J.J.S., D.L., J.T. and H.S. performed software testing. H.C. supervised the work. All authors read and corrected the final manuscript.
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Extended data
Extended Data Fig. 1 In vitro RNA binding prediction with DeepBind.
a, ray13 use case schematic. n = 244 RNA binding proteins (RBPs) were assayed across a set of 241,357 RNA probes to generate a 241,357 × 244 dimensional matrix of normalized intensity values. b, Pearson correlations across four different metrics with each metric calculated from comparisons between observed (Set B) and predicted binding intensities (see Methods for more details on how each metric is calculated). Each boxplot indicates a distribution of Pearson correlations across all n = 244 RBPs, except for Kipoi which includes n = 89 RBPs. Ray et al, MatrixREDUCE, DeepBind and Observed intensities refer to correlations calculated from predicted intensities reported in Alipanahi et al. Observed intensities and SetA refer to correlations calculated using the intensities from Set A probes as the predicted intensities (see Methods). The boxes show medians along with low and high quartiles. Whiskers extend to the furthest datapoint within 1.5-times the interquartile range. c, Performance comparison scatterplots for ST models against MT models (left) and against Kipoi models (right). Each dot indicates a comparison of the Pearson correlation between predicted and observed intensities for two models on a single RBP. d, (top) A multitask filter with a TomTom annotation for HNRNPA1L2 visualized as a PWM logo. (middle) A filter for the single task HNRNPA1L2 model with a TomTom annotation for HNRNPA1L2. (bottom) The relationship between multitask performance (using the Z-scored Pearson correlations of observed and predicted intensities) on the y-axis, against the number of filters that were annotated with the corresponding RBP for that task on the x-axis. The Spearman’s correlation coefficient and associated P-value are shown. e, Attributions for the sequence with the highest observed intensity in the test set for HNRNPA1L2. The attributions were calculated using InputXGradient for single task (top) and multitask (bottom) models. f, The InputXGradient attribution scores for a random (top) and evolved (bottom) sequence after evolution with the HNRNPA1L2 single task model. Red dashed lines indicate mutations made during evolution and are annotated with the round the mutation occurred in. Source data.
Extended Data Fig. 2 JunD ChIP-seq binding classification.
a, kopp21 use case schematic. We used SeqData to load in a set of 11,086 ChIP-seq peaks for JunD and to generate positive and negative sets for JunD binding prediction. SeqData uses a set of regions of interest (ROIs) along with peaks and a bin size and outputs a set of labeled sequences for each bin in the ROI. Bins are labeled as positive (1) if they overlap a peak and negative (0) if they do not. Upon loading, each sequence is extended by 150 bp in each direction to provide more sequence context for prediction. b,c, auPRCs on held-out test data from chromosome 3 for JunD binding classification across four double-stranded architectures b, The boxplots show distributions of auPRC values on held-out test data for each architecture across n = 5 independent experiments (random initializations). A two-sided Mann-Whitney U test was used to determine P-values which were adjusted by the Benjamini-Hochberg method (* = adjusted P-value < 0.05, ns = not significant). Test statistics and adjusted P-values were: dsFCN-Kopp21CNN (u = 0, adjusted P-value = 0.02), dsFCN-dsHybrid (u = 0, adjusted P-value = 0.02), dsFCN-dsCNN (u = 0, adjusted P-value = 0.02), Kopp21CNN-dsHybrid (u = 4, adjusted P-value = 0.11), Kopp21CNN-dsCNN (u = 4, adjusted P-value = 0.11), dsHybrid-dsCNN (u = 8, adjusted P-value = 0.42). c, auPR curves for the best models from each architecture. d, Sequence logos of attributions for the top predicted sequence. The top row shows attributions from the forward strand and the bottom row from the reverse strand. Attributions were calculated using GradientSHAP. e, A selected set of convolutional filters visualized as PWM logos with significant annotations from TomTom (adjusted P-value < 0.05). f, Model scores for n = 10 random sequences with consensus JunD motif implanted at each possible location. Mean model scores with 95% confidence intervals are shown. The boxplot shows the distribution of scores for the random sequences prior to JunD motif implantation. All boxes show medians along with low and high quartiles. Whiskers extend to the furthest datapoint within 1.5-times the interquartile range. More extreme points are marked as outliers.
Source data
Extended Data Fig. 3 End-to-end data processing, training, and interpretation with EUGENe.
a, SeqData objects can be loaded from files already on disk, or by calling for a dataset available for download from the SeqDatasets subpackage. Once instantiated, SeqData objects containerize the EUGENe workflow, easing the b, preprocessing of sequences and of sequence metadata, c, the generation of exploratory data analysis plots, and d, the creation of PyTorch loadable datasets and objects. e, An architecture can be instantiated either from a single function call (top) or from a configuration file (bottom). Conv1DBlocks and DenseBlocks both allow for flexibility in the ordering of layers they contain (one example ordering is shown). Instantiated architectures can be f, initialized with a desired initialization scheme, then g, fit to training data and used to predict on held-out data. Performance metric training curves are pictured in the top panel of g, test set performance curves for regression (left) and classification (right) are depicted in the bottom panel of g. Both training and prediction are handled by PyTorch Lightning. We show an example of the arguments for instantiating a SequenceModule in h. i, For filter interpretation, filters in the first convolutional layer are used to scan input sequences for ‘maximally activating subsequences’ that can then be used to generate position frequency matrices and sequence logos. j, Attribution analysis starts by passing inputs sequences through the model to generate an output. This output signal is then backpropagated to the input to generate a per nucleotide score that can be visualized as a sequence logo. k, Random or synthetically designed sequences that have been mutated or have had motifs implanted in them can be scored using a trained model. Results from toy examples of this in silico approach are shown in l and m, which depict a positional importance analysis and a prediction evolution analysis respectively. Example function arguments have been omitted for a, b, e, i, j, k, l and m.
Supplementary information
Supplementary Information
Supplementary Figs. 1–5 and Table 1.
Reporting Summary
Peer Review File
Supplementary Data 1
Model architectures and training parameters used for analysis of plant promoters from Jores et al. (2021)29.
Supplementary Data 2
Model architectures and training parameters used for analysis of RBP specificity from Alipanahi et al. (2015)2.
Supplementary Data 3
Model architectures and training parameters used for for classification of JunD binding from Kopp et al. (2020)35.
Supplementary Data 4
Available datasets in SeqDatasets.
Supplementary Data 5
Published dataset CPU RAM requirements if loading dataset into memory.
Supplementary Data 6
Built-in architectures in EUGENe’s models module.
Source data
Source Data Fig. 2
Statistical source data.
Source Data Extended Data Fig. 1
Statistical source data.
Source Data Extended Data Fig. 2
Statistical source data.
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Klie, A., Laub, D., Talwar, J.V. et al. Predictive analyses of regulatory sequences with EUGENe.
Nat Comput Sci (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43588-023-00544-w
Received: 12 January 2023
Accepted: 27 September 2023
Published: 16 November 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/s43588-023-00544-w