Preparation is key: Vital car care tips for safer winter road trips

Triple-A estimates more than 115 million Americans will drive to their holiday destinations this year.

If you are hitting the road for the holiday, make sure you are ready for any type of weather.

If your holiday travels take you west or north of eastern North Carolina, you could run right into winter weather.

Making sure your tires are in tip top shape can make the drive a lot safer.

It’s more than just getting from point A to point B.

Gary Baldree- Baldree’s Tire Pros owner says, “Your second biggest investment is your car. If you take care of it, it will last for hundreds of thousands of miles.”

Gary Baldree, Owner of Baldree’s Tire Pros says the most important thing about a tire’s condition is its tread depth.

Gary Baldree- Baldree’s Tire Pros owner says, “You’ve heard the thing about taking a dime and if you see the head then you’re good. That’s an indicator of the tread depth.”

Worn tires can be deadly especially on wet roads.

Also, not regularly driving your car can create even more problems.

Gary Baldree- Baldree’s Tire Pros owner says, “You can have great tread, but it can dry rot.”

All that is in between the road and your 3,000-pound car is a set of tires, so Baldree recommend rotating them every 5,000 to 8,000 miles.

Along with checking the oil, making sure you have proper air pressure will give you better gas mileage for your road trip.

Gary Baldree- Baldree’s Tire Pros owner says, “Just because it says on the side of the tire, you can inflate 55 pounds. That doesn’t mean that’s what you need to put in it. The engineer who built the car puts on that sticker the proper air pressure.”

Routine car maintenance may seem inconvenient, but it saves the hassle of a roadside breakdown in the chilly weather.

Now is the perfect time to make sure your car is in the best condition for you holiday road trip.

Baldree recommends keeping a jump box in your car, a tire gage, and an ice scraper.

Baldree says you cannot go wrong with following what the car manufacturer says to do.

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