Preparing your vehicle for winter: Expert shares important tips to avoid breakdowns

When temperatures drop it can be hazardous for your vehicle.

KFOX14 spoke with a professional at Coronado Car Care on Balboa Road who said winterizing your vehicle is important for the upcoming cold temperatures and one of the first steps to take is to check your tires.

“Some things that can happen with your vehicle with the cold temperatures now that they’re coming in is low tire pressure, with lower temperatures the pressure goes low,” said Joseph Mendez a General Service Technician.

Mendez said next check your battery, he explained if your battery is 3 years or older get it tested as soon as possible to avoid your vehicle from not functioning properly…

“In the cold weather, the acid inside the battery will freeze which will keep it from functioning the way it’s supposed to and that acid freezes and it will not send the signal correctly or it won’t be as strong, it won’t perform as it needs to perform,” said Mendez.

The next important step is to make sure your antifreeze gets tested to determine the mixture is just right.

“If you need to get it re-flushed redone it’s best to get it done to keep your car safe to keep it from breaking down in the freezing temperatures because the antifreeze keeps it from freezing the way it keeps it from freezing and keeps the water nice and good flowing through the block which is very important for you to drive the vehicle,” said Mendez.

Winter Car Care Checklist

Steps to Winterize your Vehicle

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