President Biden is missing the mark

Letter to the Editor (Graphic Illustration/MetroCreative)



The president does not get it. We cannot bankroll everything the world needs or wants, including Israel and Ukraine. Yes, they are going through tragic times, but we as a country are more than $30 trillion in debt and probably will never get it paid off because the liberal Democrats just do not care. It is fiscal lunacy to keep throwing money at every problem that comes along. I seriously doubt that Democrats and some Republicans who go along with them run their personal household finances like that. But, of course that is what government does. Sad thing is that some of those in Congress will not be alive much longer and thus do not worry about paying off the debt. It is equally sad that we cannot get anyone younger than 80 to run for elective office at the highest level.

Fiscal responsibility is just that. Being responsible for what you purchase and paying it off as you promised. Whether it is student loans or that new lawn mower you bought on time (credit). Pay what you said you would pay and pay it on the plan you agreed to. America also cannot be the policeman of the world. Yes, we can do our part, but the president and Congress need to remember they are not playing with Monopoly money, but real money that is taken from me, you and all taxpaying citizens.

America has many problems that can be solved … and some that cannot be. Fiscal responsibility is doable, but one has to want to do it. The crime problem will not be solved because people have a sin nature and naturally do what is wrong rather than what is right. Righteous living comes from God and unrighteous living comes from Satan, the father of all lies and wrongdoing. One has to have a relationship with Jesus Christ to know how to live right. Salvation is simple. Admit you are a sinner and need a savior. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and accept him as your personal Lord and Savior. Go to a Bible-believing church and listen to the pastor. Please do this today before it is too late. Praying for the dead, as some “religions” do, does not work. Any decision made about salvation must be made when you are alive. Now is the time.

Robert Sadler


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