The beef industry is beaming with optimism across the country as cattle markets continue increasing, creating a prime opportunity to capture value. The U.S. Department of Agriculture projects cattle prices to increase into 2024 as fed cattle supplies remain tight.
During strong markets, calves are sometimes taken straight off the cows and “weaned on the truck” to be marketed as soon as possible. But producers are likely leaving money on the table by not giving those calves a healthy start with weaning fueled by quality nutrition.
Now’s a good time to utilize a thorough weaning program because producers can add a lot of value to calves.
Buyers are willing to pay a premium for calves that have been preconditioned. Data from Superior Livestock Auction sales in 2022 show a $8.64 per hundredweight to $18.67 per hundredweight premium for calves that were weaned for at least 45 days.
A vital way to ensure success during weaning is to provide high-quality nutrition.
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Weaning can be a stressful time for calves. During that time calves need a balanced nutrition program to help their immune system keep up. If calves don’t get some feed into them, their body will get behind on fighting stress and health challenges can occur.
Feeding high-quality nutrition during weaning can optimize calf performance. It goes above and beyond just providing a balanced diet for protein, energy and roughage. There are also vitamins and minerals necessary to deal with stress to help keep calves performing.
A combination of more time at the bunk equals less stress and greater feed intake. Because of that combination, the calves have gained weight more efficiently.
Priming calves’ immune systems is key to ensuring they have optimized health during and after weaning. When the immune system is primed, the body can understand when a health challenge is occurring. Producers want calves to be able to respond quickly so they can fight off disease.
The combination of healthy calves with sound nutrition and management allows calves to express their full genetic potential. Capitalize on the strong cattle market by giving your calves the best start possible.
Visit www.purinamills.com for more information.
Ron Scott is the director of beef technical innovation with Purina Animal Nutrition.
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