The Challenge Food List provides examples of what a “compliant” meal/snack looks like. For example, breakfast and lunch are one serving of protein, veggies, and carbs. Dinner is one serving of protein, veggies and fat. Snacks are required to be more than 15 grams of protein, less than 200 calories.
(Editor’s note: Reporter Casey Johnson shares her journey to fitness through a six-week program.)
If you can name a fad diet currently on the market, the odds are I’ve tried it for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months over the last decade.
And it’s not always to lose weight. For me, experimenting with nutrition has more to do with decreasing inflammation, having more energy, feeling good, etc. I’ve dedicated at least a small amount of time to trying everything from Paleo to vegan (I did NOT like that), to counting calories, counting points, fasting, eating more healthy fat, eating less meat etc. Highly restrictive nutrition plans just don’t work for me, I need to feel free.
Now, this is different for everyone. Some people have phenomenal success with one style or another of nutrition, and I don’t discount or discredit that.
But the nutrition plan implemented by TH Fitness is the first life-changing nutrition plan that will work for me long-term.
TH Fitness’s four full-time trainers are also certified nutrition coaches, and though they can’t create exact meal-plans, they can guide you through what a healthy meal looks like. They can also provide a list of appropriate options and tips for nixing bad habits by forming better ones.
This nutrition lifestyle is heavy on the protein and veggies, but doesn’t exclude healthy carbs like rice, fruits, potatoes and other veggies like beets and peas. It just helps you get the right amounts. This is the first time I can see sticking long term with a plan, because I am NEVER hungry. When I eat all my allotted food in a day (which I almost never can), it still only amounts to around 1,350 calories.
My coach at TH Fitness, Bethany, reminded me that, since the dawn of time, humans have survived by not being hungry. Hunger didn’t work for cavemen, and it doesn’t work for us.
There are a ton of options for mixing and matching macros (proteins, carbs and fats) with this plan, and I have never felt bored with or limited by the options.
Here is where I’m at: my major vices are chips, French fries, and anything salty and savory. I’m proudest to say that included in the things I’ve eliminated are: Coca-Cola, chips and tortilla chips. Tortilla chips were a staple in my diet, because I can make nachos out of pretty much anything. I also went back to drinking black coffee, though I still do an 8 oz lavender latte about once a week (no regrets).
I’ve also ordered fast food a few times, but it doesn’t even taste good anymore. It’s amazing how fast that happens.
If the nutrition aspect feels daunting to you, or like you could never adjust, you absolutely can! No matter where you’re starting from, don’t underestimate how intelligent your body is when it comes to proper fuel. Once it has a little bit of the good stuff, it will let you know (usually by way of a nasty little stomach ache) that it doesn’t want to go back.
For example, I ordered a medium fry from McDonald’s last week, and left them unfinished because I didn’t want them. If you like French fries as much as I do (did), you’ll understand what a life-changing moment that was.
TH Fitness owner Taylor Hutchinson talks often about “falling in love with the process.” There is no “end” result. No point, no weight, no body fat percentage, or any “final” outcome at which you should turn back and say, “this is good enough, I’m done.”
This is about a lifestyle upheaval; a transformation of the mind that changes so much more than your appearance. It is the first step in a lifelong journey of believing “you can do this.” You’re worth taking care of the one body, mind and spirit that you have.
Stay tuned for more health and fitness updates! We have two more weeks of the challenge, and a lifetime, to go!
One of my favorite breakfasts: sauteed broccoli, spinach and onions mixed with six egg whites, and a sweet potato on the side (an entire medium sweet potato is just 164 calories. A medium French fry from McDonalds, 320 calories).