Sports venues were once aplenty in south Parkersburg. Even though in the 1940s, what is now south Parkersburg had not as yet been annexed into Parkersburg, the area south of the Little Kanawha was the scene for many sporting events.
The area known as Shattuck Park, with its huge race track and ball diamond had closed in the late 1920s, a result of the coming of the Viscose plant. Another baseball diamond, known as Wright’s field, situated just off the current West Virginia 95, near the old Parmaco building, had also been sold for industrial development.
In the late 1940s, Carl Scott refurbished the huge wooden grandstand just west of the East Street bridge approach (on the south side), and made it the home of the Parkersburg Scotties, a semi-pro baseball team. The team faded from existence in the early 1950s.
During that same time, along Gihon Road, near the site of the old Farmer’s Market, was Guinn’s airfield. Across Gihon Road from the airport was a dirt track where go-carts and midget autos were raced.
This growth in recreational activities may have been the result of a war-weary nation that needed a breath of fresh air.
The news item that follows, written by Ray Folden and taken from the April 6, 1947 edition of The Parkersburg News, shares about a “field of dreams” that was slated for south Parkersburg:
“Designed to give Parkersburg the finest professional sports center in this section of the Ohio Valley, a race track, football field, grandstand bleachers, and other facilities are to be constructed on a large tract of land adjoining the Paul Blizzard estate located on Blizzard Drive, off Gihon Road, it was announced yesterday [April 5, 1947].
“Construction of the sports field and the race track is now being carried on by the Miller Construction Co., and the fully equipped sports center is expected to be open no later than July 4.
“‘Super Bowl, Inc.,’ as the center will be known, has been incorporated by Paul Blizzard, Ralph Hively, Harry Oiler and John R. Hickel, for the promotion of professional contests of all kinds, and will be available for rental by organizations desiring to sponsor their own events, it was announced.
“A center attraction is expected to be the over-size quarter-mile track, which will be the only full banked dirt race track in the Ohio Valley, according to the promoters of the enterprise. The track is to be constructed on carefully engineered foundations and will be bonded with an asphalt compound to retain its contours, it was said.
“The quarter-mile track will surround a football field on which professional games will be scheduled. Also, inside the track will be located the racing car pits, judges stand, and a portable boxing ring which will be moved in front of the grandstand when boxing or wrestling events are scheduled.
“Will Seat 5,000. A steel and concrete grandstand capable of seating approximately 2,500 persons will be located on each side of the straight-away of the track. The grandstand will be completely covered to protect the spectators from the weather.
“Access to the Sports Bowl will be by a concrete drive, 40 feet wide connecting with Blizzard Dr., and a large area for auto parking is to be provided. The whole sports area is to be floodlighted to allow for night performances.
“The sports events to be scheduled for the Sports Bowl will include boxing and wrestling, football, midget auto races, motorcycle races, jeep races, horse races, horse shows, field and track meets, and fairs, Mr. Blizzard announced.
“Construction of the track and infield is expected to be completed within 30 days, and a program may tentatively be presented by Decoration Day, Mr. Blizzard said.”
Obviously, the Super Bowl of south Parkersburg didn’t materialize. Perhaps one of our readers could tell us why.
Bob Enoch is president of the Wood County Historical and Preservation Society. If you have comments or questions about Look Back items, please contact him at: [email protected], or by mail at WCHPS, PO Box 565, Parkersburg, WV 26102.