Research: Latinx viewer dissatisfaction

More than four in 10 (43 per cent) Hispanic/Latinx American consumers said that the news media does a poor or average job portraying the Hispanic/Latinx community and with the number of Hispanic/Latinx reporters, according to the latest Horowitz report, FOCUS Latinx: State of Media, Entertainment & Tech: Consumer Engagement 2023.

A deeper look into the data by language preference reveals that English-oriented Latinx give lower ratings to the news media on how the Hispanic/Latinx and all communities of colour are portrayed compared to their bilingual/bicultural and Spanish-dominant counterparts.

“Representation matters across the spectrum of Latinx audiences,” notes Adriana Waterston, EVP and Insights and Strategy Lead for Horowitz Research. “It is not a surprise that Spanish-language TV viewers give higher ratings to the news media on representation because a substantial portion of their news viewership is on Spanish-language news media. The fact that English-oriented Latinx are the most critical of how they are represented in the news media underscore that mainstream news organisations still have work to do when it comes to onscreen inclusion.”

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