Review: Dinner, pints and a match in £200 per head Ulster Rugby box is a bucket list event

Buffet dinner and match in Kingspan Stadium.

Dinner by Yellow Door at Ravenhill

Joris Minne

Today at 13:28

There’s nothing quite as effective to settle the nerves as a lamb stew. You’re having a hard time at work? Lamb stew and some mash. Your children are hanging with the wrong crowd? Same again, please. Your team is being humiliated repeatedly on the field? Reach for that stew.

We went to Ravenhill Stadium last week as part of a group of men and women, some of whom like me, don’t know much about the game, but were up for the craic. The promise of a private box, direct access to seats on the East Terrace and hot food by Yellow Door had clinched the commitment. Off we set with our bobble hats, rehearsing the words of SUFTUM, bracing ourselves for, well, we weren’t sure what.

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