Sadie Robertson Huff Explains Battling Mental Health Struggles in a Godly Way

Photo from Sadie Robertson Huff’s Instagram

Sadie Robertson Huff Explains Battling Mental Health Struggles in a Godly Way

By Movieguide® Contributor

Sadie Robertson Huff discussed how to rely on God in the fight against mental health problems.

“I struggle a lot with, like, my mind and just, like, controlling the thoughts in my mind and taking captive those thoughts,” Huff said. “Last week, we were heading to IF Gatherings, and I was speaking there. I was so excited to speak there, but it had been just like a mentally draining week. We had a million different things going on, and whenever I’m really busy, that’s when I struggle the most mentally because I’m not as on guard with my thoughts, you know, just like guarding my mind as carefully as I should.”

“So I had some hate come to me on social media, and then I was super in my head about that…I wasn’t in a good space mentally, and I wasn’t guarding my heart and my thoughts. I was just like letting all this kind of like become true,” she continued.

In the midst of this struggle, Huff turned to the Lord and trusted Him with her hurt, confusion and anxiety.

“I sat with the Lord. Man, I just felt like God gave me so much empathy and related to me and spoke so much truth over my life, and then I was able to just carry on and truly, like, have a sound mind,” Huff said.

She was living out God’s promise to his followers that they can turn to Him and find a peace that surpasses all understanding. However, we need to turn to Him and lean into Him for that rather than just expecting it to be upon our lives without asking for it.

“In Philippians 4:6… it says, ‘Don’t worry about anything,’ which already, if you’re like me, you’re like, ‘Well, that seems like an impossible task,’ but let’s keep going,” Huff said. “‘In everything, through prayer and petition with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and minds in Christ Jesus.’”

“I’m going to go on to say a few more verses because verse eight is so good,” she added. “It says, ‘Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any moral excellence and there is anything praiseworthy, dwell on these things. Do what you have learned and received and heard from me and seen in me and the God of peace will be with you.’”

“That just kind of takes it a step further. It’s like, okay, you know to come to God, pray to God, give Him all your requests, and then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will be with you,” Huff continued. “Then he’s like, ‘Hey, and here’s some things that you can think on because you’ve got to exchange those toxic thoughts with some good thoughts, so think on what’s true. Think on what’s honorable and pure and just and lovely and commendable and praiseworthy. And then dwell on that. And then as you dwell on that, the peace of God is going to be with you.’”

Huff frequently opens up about her struggle with mental health.

“That is actually not who God created me to be,” she said previously of her anxiety. “If that is my identity and I claim that as my identity, then I’m always going to be anxious…identifying with your weakness and letting it become who you are is such a big problem because it keeps you from all that God has for you.”

Amid her struggles with fear and anxiety, Huff reminds herself that God isn’t “‘calling you to be this perfect person. I’m actually just calling you to be a sister and a friend to those who don’t have a sister and a friend.’ I can be confident because I was created on purpose for a purpose.”

Movieguide® previously reported:

In a recent podcast, DUCK DYNASTY’s mother and daughter duo, Korie Robertson and Sadie Robertson Huff, talk about anxiety and how we should respond to it.

Sadie Robertson Huff is no stranger to anxiety. She’s dealt with it on and off for her entire life.  After defeating it for several years, her anxiety came back when she was postpartum with her first child. When she found out she was expecting again, she wanted to use the tools she learned to make her second postpartum easier.

“I went through postpartum anxiety, which I didn’t really see coming because I had been living free of anxiety for maybe like two years at that point, and then it just slapped me in the face,” Huff said.  “I wanted to do this [podcast] again even before I had the baby to remind me of the truth that I found and the ways out of fear that I found.”

Huff and Robertson acknowledged that it is not fear that’s the problem but playing the fears over and over again on a “loop” in your mind that causes it to escalate to an unhealthy place.

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