Save the date: Health for All’s “Dancing for the Health of it” is coming soon

BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) -If you want to live out your ballroom dancing dreams, get your tickets to Health for All’s Dancing for the Health of It event.

It’s the organizations signature fundraiser, happening on Feb. 3rd.

Doors open at 6 p.m. for a night of dancing and raising money for a good cause.

Health For All provides free basic health care for low income adults who do not have health insurance or qualify for government programs such as Medicaid or Medicare.

This year’s theme is The Greatest Show on Earth.

“We are doing a circus theme and we really encourage everybody to get into it, so everybody should start channeling animal prints, bright colors,” Executive Director Liz Dickey said.

Dancing for the Health of It will bring together “celebrity” dancers from across the community, including KBTX’s Caleb Britt, to compete for bragging rights, while raising funds for the clinic.

The event will be at Hilton College Station and will include a dinner and dance competition.

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