Shark Research
Shark Spotter
We invite you to submit your observations of sharks in the wild. The observations you submit help biologists record the presence of sharks in New York State waters and help to further the understanding of local shark ecology and behavior.
If you are boating or enjoying the beach and observe a shark, please take some pictures, then report your sighting using the DEC Shark Spotter Survey.
New York Shark Salvage Program
Dead sharks wash ashore occasionally. Shark mortalities can occur for various reasons, including fishery interactions, predation, parasitism, as well as other natural causes. DEC collects information on each reported dead shark, including the location, species, length, and sex of the animal. If possible, tissue samples will be collected, and a necropsy will be completed to identify potential causes of death.
These efforts help to gain a better understanding about how each animal may have died, which can inform fisheries management. Tissue samples are shared with several academic and scientific researchers in New York and across the country to facilitate multiple ongoing biological studies.
To report your sighting of dead sharks, use DEC’s Marine Life Incident Report or call 631-444-0444.