Shin Etsu Polymer : 2023 Sustainability Report

Strengthening the business foundation to support sustainability management

In May 2023, our Group announced the Medium-Term Management Plan SEP G&G 2027, which covers the period from FY2023 to FY2027. To keep operating in the current rapidly changing social environment, it is crucial to build a robust corporate foundation that supports our cornerstone of sustainability management. In the Medium-Term Management Plan, we have set key issues and targets in each of the ESG areas to further clarify the issues that we need to tackle. We will continuously strive to resolve these issues, including climate change and our failure to meet the statutory employment rate of persons with disabilities, while focusing on timely information disclosure to stakeholders.

In particular, we recognize that reducing CO emissions is one of our major challenges. In our medium-term management plan, we have set a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. We are examining measures to achieve carbon neutrality, with a focus on switching to renewable energy sources, including the introduction of solar power generation and energy storage facilities.

We will also continue to strengthen our sustainability management system to fulfill our social responsibility. The Group has established the Sustainability Committee to deliberate on CO emission reduction targets and climate change actions. In addition, the Compliance Committee is responsible for comprehensive risk management and the development and operation of a compliance system for the entire Group, including subsidiaries. We will actively promote the activities of both committees, while also engaging in constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors.

Furthermore, in March 2023, we formulated the Multi-Stakeholder Policy as a guideline for building relationships with various stake- holders, including employees and business partners. We will continue to work toward appropriate collaboration with all stakeholders as an open company.

Developing human resources to promote creativity and innovation

To achieve sustainable growth in the future, it is important to secure and develop human resources who can drive creativity and innovation in the company. Based on this idea, we have set the development and growth of our employees as one of our top priorities and will focus on developing human resources who can demonstrate a high level of expertise and ability. We promote workplaces that encourage employees to learn, play a more active role, and advance their careers and support them in reaching greater heights. Specifically, we are creating environments that facilitate continuous learning by establishing an on-site experience learning cycle that emphasizes OJT, while building a human resource system that makes it easy for each employee to take on new challenges. In addition, to create an environment where employees can play an active role regardless of gender or age, we have proactively implemented measures such as establishing a re-employment system that allows employees to continue working after reaching the mandatory retirement age, promoting women’s participation and advancement, and expanding systems to help employees balance work and various life events like childcare and nursing care. Our entire Group will work together to achieve further growth by embracing people with diverse experiences and values to revitalize our organization and develop our business.

The products we offer are seldom seen by the public eye, but they support our current society and meet demands for the creation of a future society in a variety of ways. In the ever-changing market and social environment, we will strengthen our corporate foundation by promoting sustainability management, fulfill our responsibilities as a global company that aims to solve social issues through our business, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.


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