Son of Jerry Lee Lewis Dismissed From Mississippi Ranch

On Sunday, the son of rock ‘n’ roll star Jerry Lee Lewis was evicted from the late musician’s Mississippi house, concluding a legal struggle with Lewis’s longtime manager’s children. As the house was listed for sale earlier this year, a judge reportedly ordered the younger Jerry Lee Lewis to leave, as reported by WMC-TV. Despite his father purchasing and residing on the ranch for nearly half a century, it was never officially his; instead, Lewis’ manager, friend, and brother-in-law Cecil Harrelson, who died in 2013, was included on the property deed. Two months after Lewis’ death in October, Harrelson’s three children announced that the property would be put up for sale shortly. In recent weeks, Lewis’s son sought to crowdfund $80,000 for a down payment on a ranch, but by the Sunday deadline, he had yet to reach his target. “The location where I grew up is no longer our home and our father’s legacy,” he stated in an Instagram post. “It is now a property that will be sold without our involvement or decisions and contrary to what I believe were my father’s desires.”