South Georgia family appears on hit game show

ALBANY, Ga. (WALB) – One south Georgia family made their television debut on the hit game show, Family Feud. The Quimbley’s episode aired for the first time last week.

If you missed it, the episode reruns on Thursday, March 6.

The Quimbley family said they did it all for their father and loving husband who passed away before the show’s filming.

In spring of 2023, the eldest Quimbley sibling, Taneshia, jokingly applied for the show because her father, Frederick, was a huge fan. In Sept. 2023, Frederick Quimbley passed away. Just a month later, while grieving, the family got a call saying they were going to be on the show.

“We were so excited!” Keva Quimbley, Frederick’s wife said. “We were like ‘Oh my god! We are gonna be on Family Feud, what do we do now?!’‘’

Walking into the studio, the family said their nerves were at an all-time high. They said they had no idea what to expect. It didn’t help that their most valuable player, Frederick Quimbley, wasn’t right alongside them.

Nekol, one of the Quimbley children, said, “I feel like I was starstruck, even though we didn’t see anyone. But it was like, wow! We are at Tyler Perry Studios, stuff happens here! I was nervous because I’m going on tv and I really hope I don’t say the wrong thing.”

Despite not winning their episode, the family said they had an overall positive experience filming everything and meeting the show’s iconic host was the highlight.

The Quimbley children said they knew their father was looking down from heaven, cheering them on and shaking his head at some of their crazy answers.

“He loves TV game shows, and he definitely loves Family Feud,” D’Erika Quimbley said. “It was a bonus for us to be able to meet Steve Harvey.”

After the show first aired, Keva said she was blown away with how much the south Georgia community supported her and her family.

“The mayor of Camilla reached out, same with all of my family and friends.” Keva said. “I work at Westover, and they made me do a walk-through, everyone was asking for my autograph… With all that we are going through, you know, with grief, this feels good.”

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