Sunita Williams, the renowned astronaut, is set to return to Earth, and her journey home will be accompanied by two fellow astronauts. The Economic Times reports that Williams, who has been part of the International Space Station (ISS) for an extended period, will return with astronauts Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency (ESA) and Sergey Prokopyev of Roscosmos, the Russian space agency. Williams has had a distinguished career, contributing significantly to various missions and scientific research aboard the ISS. Her return marks the end of her latest mission, during which she has been involved in numerous experiments and maintenance tasks on the space station. The departure is scheduled to be part of a planned rotation of crew members to ensure the continued operation and scientific progress aboard the ISS. The return journey will involve a descent through Earth’s atmosphere and a landing in Kazakhstan, where the crew will undergo post-flight medical evaluations and recovery. The return of these astronauts is a significant event, highlighting the ongoing international collaboration in space exploration and the importance of their contributions to science and research.