‘SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical’ put on by North East School of the Arts students

Nearly 130 students are putting on the production, including actors, dancers, production crew and musicians.

SAN ANTONIO — Bikini Bottom and the famous Pineapple Under the Sea are in the Alamo City! 

The North East School of the Arts is performing SpongeBob Squarepants: The Musical as its fall showcase.

Nearly 130 students are putting on the production, including actors, dancers, production crew members and musicians. Some of the lead actors in the play are high school seniors on the cusp launching their careers. 

“I’ve always had a love for singing and musicality, theater in particular. I didn’t actually find until I was like 12 years old,” Wyatt Easton, who plays SpongeBob, said.

The fun play is full of twists and turns, when the residents of Bikini Bottom realize that a big volcano is about to erupt. There are even some pesky pirates that show up to stir up trouble. The music ranges from pop to gospel and the dancing styles are equally diverse. 

Senior Brandon Koepke says the teachers saw a lot of potential to use many of the student’s skills.

“Every single person in the cast is just amazing and always gives their 100% effort in a show like SpongeBob, where everyone needs that because it’s such a lively show,” Koepke said.

“Finding that balance of the realistic nature of the situation but also…it was a cartoon,” Lilly Grace Wilmoth, who plays Squidward, said.

For Rowan Noris, who performs as Plankton, her favorite part of doing the show has been making new friends in the deep blue sea.

“The show made me realize how much I love theater and that I do want to continue it no matter where I go,” Norris said. 

There are three more shows left of SpongeBob Squarepants: The Musical. It’s going on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and on Sunday at 2:30 p.m.

Click here for tickets.

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