St. Charles County, City leaders push to remove controversial book, restrict others

ST. CHARLES, Mo. (KMOV) – St. Charles County Executive Steve Ehlmann and St. Charles City Mayor Dan Borgmeyer are pushing to remove a pornographic book and requesting restrictions be placed on other books.

Ehlmann and Borgmeyer are pressing the St. Charles City-County Library Board of Trustees to review the book entitled “Bang Like a Porn Star: Sex Tips From the Pros,” requested sexually explicit books to be placed in special areas in library branches.

“It has no place in the public library, period,” said AJ Terrell, who’s been fighting to get the book off library shelves.

Some disagree, saying that the literature promotes freedom of expression and that everybody deserves a chance to discover and learn who they are.

First Alert 4 was there when Terrell and others filled a library board meeting demanding the board review the book, saying it has no place in a tax-supported library.

Ehlmann and Borgmeyer agree with Terrell.

The controversial book was first discovered in September at the Kisker Branch Library in St. Charles. When First Alert 4 looked online, there were four copies of the book at four branches throughout St. Charles City and County. All copies are checked out, and there’s a waiting list.

“Having pornographic material readily available where children can get to it is not safe for children,” said Terrell.

Terrell has strong words for anyone who thinks it is okay for this book and other pornographic material to be on library shelves.

“Either a pedophile themselves or is okay with protecting pedophiles or promoting their ideas,” said Terrell. “This is the middle of the Midwest. This is supposed to be a conservative area that has reasonable values about protecting our children, and we’ve got porn in our schools and our library, and people are fighting to keep it.”

The St. Charles City-County Library Board of Trustees will form a committee to review the book and examine if it violates any laws.

The St. Charles’s leaders’ request to remove the controversial book wasn’t the first one. The library confirms at least two others were submitted.

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