Steve Austin: Maine must repeal CON for mental health care

Let’s say you want to open a pizza shop. You find the perfect location and apply for the license. Much to your surprise, the state approval process allows your competitors to weigh in on if another pizza shop is necessary. This is a free-market society, the market should decide when there are too many pizza shops, right?

When it comes to mental health in Maine, that is indeed the process.

It’s called Certificate of Need and is one step in the process of providing mental health services in Maine. The CON application can cost up to $200,000. You’d be a very long time recouping that investment, especially in an area like mental health care where there isn’t a significant profit margin. Worse yet, what if you pay to apply and you get a thumbs down from the state and your competition?

A repeal of CON for mental health care is necessary to help solve our desperate and chronic shortage. Repealing CON would remove one of the many barriers to providing care, and would give Mainers more access to mental health services when they need them. Why would we need a certificate saying there’s a need, when we all know there’s a need?

Rep. Laurel Libby from Auburn has submitted a bill to repeal CON for mental health care in Maine, but it is awaiting approval from legislative leadership. I’m going to call House Speaker Rachel Talbot Ross to advocate for this important bill, and others should as well.

Steve Austin, Auburn

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