Help shape the future of your museum of nature!
Tell us what you think about the museum, our programs, exhibitions, and scientific research.
Your Voice Matters
Your answers will inspire our new strategic plan, which will guide the museum for the next 5 years.
The survey may take up to 15 minutes.
Alternate survey formats may be requested from Zoe Brown: [email protected].
Nordicity, a Toronto-based, independent consulting firm, was hired to facilitate a new strategic plan for the museum.
Nordicity hosts its online surveys with Voxco.

“As your national natural history museum, the Canadian Museum of Nature seeks to inspire engagement with nature through meaningful science-based experiences. To do so in the most impactful way possible both now and into the future, we believe that listening is essential. Our goal is to produce a strategic plan that best represents the diversity of our communities. Your voice matters.”
—Dr. Danika Goosney, President and CEO, Canadian Museum of Nature
To learn more, consult previous plans and reports or write to [email protected].