Sustainable Stylist gives DIY tips to help with your spring cleaning

Sarah Teresinski shows how to upcycle everyday items in your home.


Are you looking to spruce up your space this spring while keeping your carbon footprint down? If so, then you MUST meet Sarah Teresinski. She’s a Sustainable Stylist and Eco Designer who also shares all kinds of DIY’s on social media.  

When asked to describe exactly what an eco designer is, Teresinski says “My job is to… create beautiful spaces while keeping my carbon footprint low and shopping second hand and using what I have, whether it’s just a little tiny project or a big giant room makeover. My job is also to help people do that, to help pull out that creativity. A lot of people don’t think that they have that creativity in them, but they do! And sometimes you just need a little push to help you in the right direction and then you’re helping the planet and you’re saving money. “ 

So, this spring as you are cleaning out your home, take a few minutes to see if you can upcycle a few pieces. Teresinski has tons of “do it yourself” projects that range from beginner to a bit more advanced. 

Some of her favorites that she shared with WUSA9 include using a book jacket to decorate a vase, adding twinkle lights to a decanter to use as outdoor lights, and even framing a vintage t-shirt to make a new statement art piece.  

Making your home unique to you while remaining eco-friendly can be much easier to do than one might think. Teresinski recommends trying things out to see if you like it. “It’s your space no one’s going to be coming in and measuring how it looks have fun with it and do what you love, and you’ll find that you really enjoy it and it’s super super fun,” says Teresinski. 

If you want to check out some of her fun and creative DIY’s you can check out her social media pages for new projects!  


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