Tagger by Sprout Social launches Automotive Industry Index

Tagger by Sprout Social, the global technology leader in making influencer marketing more intelligent, releases its first Automotive Industry Index today. The report, which looks at data for the first half of 2023, highlights which auto brands are winning at influencer marketing and how consumer preferences are shifting when it comes to consuming industry content.

Leveraging Tagger’s social intelligence engine, Signals, the report looks at overall platform performance for January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023 and which types of content are driving the most engagement.

“In the past, the auto industry has faced barriers to entry when dipping its toes in the influencer marketing space,” said Dave Dickman, Global Head of Sales and Services at Tagger by Sprout Social. “The research and buying process for cars is long, with consumers wanting to consume as much content as possible before making such a big purchase. What we found in the first half of this year is a pivot to the short-form content of Instagram and TikTok, as opposed to longer-form videos on YouTube. Consumers are shifting their habits and looking for snackable videos of specific features, rather than half-hour review of all a car offers.”

The data shows Instagram as the favorite among influencers for posting content related to the industry, outranking all other platforms four times over. However, TikTok’s engagement rate still ranks the highest, outperforming Instagram by more than double.

Here are some key takeaways from the Automotive Industry Index:

  • Brand Hashtags: The report dives into the most used hashtags across the industry, and unlike any other industry Tagger studies, brand name hashtags are the way to go, with #bmw, #porsche and #mercedes leading the way.
  • Snackable Content: The top three most engaging forms of content were TikTok Videos, Instagram Reels and Instagram Carousel posts, showing consumers crave snackable video content.
  • Topping the List: Porsche holds the top spot as the most mentioned auto brand across all platforms with Audi and Toyota rounding out the top three.

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